Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick

Serenity Now with SereneBook

Think of SereneBook as ClassPass for your soul. Meet the makers of this subscription-based wellness app that gives your mind, body and spirit access to over 1500 wellness practitioners. So click on and get yourself some serenity now.

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Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick

Starting a Ritual with Ritual Vitamin

Most of us take a supplement as part of our morning ritual. But as Kat Schneider discovered, not all vitamins are created equal. In fact, some contain a whole bunch of questionable stuff. So, like the savvy mama that she is, she got herself some super smart scientists and made her own. Meet the woman turning the holistic pharma industry on its head.

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Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick

Fern Olivia: Social Media for Social Good

Do you feel uncomfortable about self-promotion? Creating your personal brand or expressing yourself on social media doesn’t have to mean perfectly-posed selfies and photoshopped sunsets. For Fern Olivia it’s simply a platform to share what you want to say to the world-- no filter needed.

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Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick

Tushy is the New Way to Wipe... Your Tushy

Meet the latest game changer from the gal behind THINX underwear. As the name suggests Miki Agrawal's latest product has, once again, everything to do with your nethers. This time she’s making bidets a thing again with Tushy… and just like THINX, every one sold gives back to those in need.

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