Serenity Now with SereneBook

With just a click of a button on our computers or phones, we can get just about anything these days. From subscription-based services that provide everything from movies to meals, to apps where you can book a car or a home instantly, this click-and-you-get-it technology has made life easier, providing its users more accessibility and ample options.And lucky for humanity, just about every industry is cashing in. When Tegan Bukowski, Jordan Daly, and Millana Snow, the trio behind online wellness community Serene Social, realized there was a market for matching clients to wellness practitioners, they too, jumped on the gravy train.They created SereneBook, a web-subscription service that matches clients to a wide variety of health practitioners. The site officially launched in NY and LA this month and there are already plans for it to go global— here’s looking at you, London and Sydney!With over 1500 practitioners offering over 130 types of modalities from meditation workshops to reiki healing to traditional medicine, it’s a service for services. Perfect for someone who wants to try a bit of everything… or someone who wants to make a change in their health or lifestyle but doesn't know what it is that they need exactly. Each month, members are asked to set their intentions. These are then processed through a system and carefully curated, providing recommended sessions with relevant practitioners based on the information that was supplied. “We want to meet people where they are,” explains Jordan. Intentions can vary from ‘Creativity Boost’ to 'Womb Wellness’ to ‘Healing Chronic Pain.’ Wondering what your crazy dreams have been meaning lately? Set your intention to Dream Manifestation and get to the bottom of it!For $150 a month clients get three one-on-one sessions. This affords them the opportunity to mix and match, and allows for a little breathing room to try out a bunch of different options.Booking is simple. Browse by area, intention, session type or schedule to pick your practitioner based on review. Health care providers are carefully vetted by the team, ensuring clients are only offered the best of the best. And while the service alone can’t make the changes for you to transform your health, it’s a push in the right direction. Jordan explains, “We have created a support system of people who believe in holism and can act as a facilitator to help you get into your body.” It’s a system that goes to the root of your ailment, rather than looking to a pill or bandaid to aid the symptom.Jordan, Tegan and Millana, who act as facilitators, are proud of what they’ve created. They’ve made finding alternative health easy for people and have introduced new passions and lifestyles that will have a lasting impact on their client’s wellbeing. Jordan states, “People have come together and have been thinking and speaking differently.” And because of this alone, the women know their brainchild SereneBook— only officially a month old— is already successful in more ways they could have imagined.Lindsay DeLong is the Managing Editor of The Fullest. She would like to just go ahead and sign up for everything. Find Lindsay at or on social media via @lindizzaster.


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