Flower Remedy Healing with Alexis Smart

Stemming from a desire to help herself and others reconnect to happiness, Alexis Smart founded her flower remedy practice t'n 2004. She’s one of the few people that have brought flower remedies into the spotlight, garnering the attention of Vogue, Elle, Vanity Fair, and even Urban Outfitters. We were fortunate to sit down with Alexis to ask her a few questions about demystifying the subtle modality and quiet miracles of flowers.  

The Fullest: What led you to flower remedies?

Alexis Smart: I was led to flower remedies by experiencing them myself. I had been having panic and depression, as well as other symptoms, for years. I had tried everything. After three weeks on flower remedies, all of my symptoms resolved. I began my studies immediately following that change. TF: How do flower remedies work?AS: Flower remedies work on the subtle vibrational level, like acupuncture and homeopathy. They are prescribed purely for mental, emotional and spiritual conditions. Rather than eradicating or suppressing a negative symptom (which is the model we are used to-- antibiotics, antidepressants, anything with the prefix “anti”) they encourage positive feelings. In the presence of the positive feelings, the negative feelings leave. The body has an innate, self-healing capability. The theory with flower remedies is that once the emotional blockage is healed, the body will follow. So, though they do not affect the physical body, they can be useful for certain physical complaints which are brought on by emotional stress. TF: Who are they for?AS: They are for everyone. Dr. Bach, the genius behind this system of healing, wished that everyone would have a kit in the family medicine cabinet so they could heal themselves. They are easy to use and are simply described so it’s easy to find the right remedy if you or a loved one are in distress. They are gentle enough for babies and pets and can even be used on plants.TF: How do flowers relate to our emotions?AS: The flowers relate to emotions profoundly. We all know how looking at a certain flower can uplift our spirits and bring us joy or make us feel loved. That is a pure visceral reaction. When we take the essence of certain flowers, we feel that same uplifting feeling but in a much more powerful and specific way.TF: Can flower essences change our thought patterns?AS: Absolutely. We may attribute an uncomfortable feeling to our emotions, but sometimes it is our thought patterns and fixed ideas which are causing suffering. Every time we have experienced pain in the past, we develop a thought or theory attached to that pain to keep us from putting ourselves in danger again. This is not always useful. For example, someone may have been locked in a closet as a child and subsequently experience lifelong, paralyzing claustrophobia. Even as an adult, out of danger, they will panic whenever they feel enclosed. The thought enters their mind “I can’t breathe, I have to escape,” and it starts a whole chain of events in their bodies. When I treat fear, some of the main remedies I use are ones to change the thought patterns that trigger the fear cycle. TF: Why are flower remedies useful medicine in today’s time?AS: Flower remedies, to me, are the medicine of the future. As more and more people are becoming aware that there is a body/mind connection, they are looking for ways to treat their spirits, reduce stress and live happier lives. Longevity and avoiding death used to be the model of health, but now people also want vibrancy, joy and healthy relationships. Flower remedies can assist us in that goal and raise the consciousness of the world while doing so. TF: What would you suggest to someone experiencing loneliness or unhappiness? AS: If they are unhappy because they are lonely, then I would suggest taking “Heather Flower” essence. It’s very good for helping us feel secure and complete without having to look outside oneself for fulfillment. For the isolation kind of loneliness “Water Violet” would be a good remedy. “Star of Bethlehem” is the best all-around remedy for unhappiness. It’s a good place to start because it treats the aftereffects of grief and shock. Often, what we identify as depression or unhappiness can be traced back to a shocking or sad event of loss in our lives from which we have never recovered. Star of Bethlehem heals those old wounds and gets to the root cause of the unhappiness. TF: Does medicine heal the patient or does the patient heal the patient?AS: I believe the patient heals the patient. When one of my clients comes back after their first month on flower essences they often say “I feel amazing, but I can’t tell if it’s me or the remedies. I just feel more like myself.” This confirms that the flowers help us to access our true selves-- our all-knowing self that knows how to heal and wants to be happy.


Sheena Yaitanes


Serenity Now with SereneBook