Michelle Lipper

If you need someone to incorporate the teachings of meditation, wellness, spirituality, and self-reflection into your modern urban lifestyle, look no further than Michelle Lipper. An expert in those fields, she is also a certified teacher of Kundalini Yoga, Vedic Meditation, and 200RYT. She is a published writer, acclaimed speaker, and life coach. She used to be an accomplished actor, singer, party girl, and shopper.It's safe to say, Michelle has been around the block and back. She is a cancer survivor and former suffering addict that has moved cities, countries, and continents to follow the charm trail that continues to dictate her path towards self-discovery. She aims to help others discover themselves.Her heart resides in LA, but she often finds herself traveling to her native Canada for work and to smother her nephew. The simple things in life do it for her-- she can't say no to a good crusty bread with butter and age-inappropriate YA novels. We caught up with Michelle to ask her what seven things are helping her keep up with herself lately.This is what she had to say:1 | My Dog BuddyI had been wanting to adopt a dog for a long time. When I moved to LA it seemed as though I was the only person who didn’t own a rescue pup and everywhere I turned was a pop-up adoption center. I kept putting it off until I was ‘more settled’ in life. I even followed a rescue on Instagram. One night watching TV, recovering from my second cancer surgery, I came across his face and was in love. Within a few days he was in my life, and I will say that till the very end he is one of the best gifts having cancer allowed me to give myself. Adopting a rescue is rewarding in so many ways and I urge you to go that route if you are considering bringing some doggy/kitty love into your home.2 | Benshen Nourish Serum no.1 I was a fan before she became a friend; Desiree Pais is a beautiful soul living in NYC. I found her on Instagram - see a pattern here? I continue to marvel at the energetic authenticity that radiates from her pictures, words, and actions. A fellow Kundalini teacher, she infuses all of her products (which she makes, packs, and ships herself) with mantra, love, and healing. I had never considered putting oil on my face instead of cream, but with cancer comes detoxifying the routine. She hooked me up and my skin has never looked or felt better! She’s also a super rad human, so there’s that.3 | The Nest by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney The book got me through a week of quarantine. The Plumb family is both highly dysfunctional and strangely relatable. It made me laugh, inspired me to write more, kept me company and brought color into a drab hospital room, which made me feel a little better about myself when the ‘suckies’ hit me.4 | FACETIME!!! - I’ve been lucky to live in many places and have made many amazing friends throughout my life. In the last six months of bi-coastal treatment, being able to connect with those friends and family in real time no matter where I am or where they are has been nothing short of a godsend. All hail the Apple gods!5 | Vitamins - I take over 30 supplements and vitamins a day on top of my medication for thyroid cancer. But the 2 staples that I recommend to my students, friends, family, and anyone who will listen are Cordyceps for energy, oxygenating blood, rebalancing adrenals and cortisol (I take a blend with Reishi for extra immune boosting) and Vitamin D. Most of us don’t get enough of the vitamin, even if were on the sunny west coast. Find a good quality and boost your immune system, mood, and thyroid. East coasters don’t be shy about taking more in the winter months!6 | My Kundalini practice - This technology has helped me integrate a lifetime of seeking, learning, healing, teaching meditation and the consciousness that goes with it. I am forever grateful to my teachers Harijiwan, Tej, and everyone at RaMa in Venice and the surrounding community. 7 | My Team - Girl squads are all the rage (thank you T-Swift) and mine is the best there is. My functional medicine MD Dr. Dawn, my Cranial Sacral guru Jennifer Absey, my acupuncturist Dr. Marshall, my endocrinologist at UCLA, and my two wizard surgeons Dr. Payne in Montreal and Dr. Ho in LA. Nothing is more crucial than a team that believes in you, listens to you and sees you as more than data. Without them, well, let’s not even go there.

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