Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick

Baroo: Fermentation Fusion

Baroo’s Head Chef Kwang Uh is a true culinary innovator. Somehow, he’s taken the ancient practice of fermenting and given it a modern spin. The result? Inventive flavors that mix local ingredients, Korean traditions, and provide optimal nutrition.

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Maegan Carberry

The former HuffPost Chief-of-Staff and author of Do I Have To Vote For Hilary Clinton? talks leadership, the power of a haircut, and the zen benefits of adult coloring books.

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Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick


Whether it’s that time of the month, for a special pick me up before the gym, or for a midnight snack, you can’t go wrong with stocking up on our favorite soy-free, sugar-free + dairy free bars from ChocoVivo.

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Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick

Integratron Sound Bath

We’re surrounded by noise-pollution. Everywhere we go, there are loudspeakers, horns honking, voices screaming. We don’t realize how much toxicity we’re taking in. But we are—all the time. And sound baths aim to correct this.

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Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick

McKenna Koon

Originally from Portland, Oregon, McKenna Koon trained in Vision & Goal coaching while working as a community leader for lululemon athletica. She currently works as a Social Media Strategist for the Santa Monica-based advertising agency Mistress. Track her down to attend one of her vision board workshops in LA- the perfect way to start off your year.

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Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick Uncategorized Nikki Bostwick

The Method To Our Madness

Ah, a new year. It’s an exciting time to get real, think about what you want, and go for it. It’s also a prime opportunity to consider organization tools to optimally function with lots of stuff going on. How do we efficiently spend our time, fully complete tasks, and give each 100%? Here’s our secret.

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