Rachel Harper + Alle Weil

The duo of super talented, and beautiful women behind Flora ex Machina- Alle Weil and Rachel Harper are on a mission to bring better food + health to your plate. Having worked with both of them over the years, I can truly say these two embody the authentic healing powers that come from having both grown up around alternative health modalities.  You get the feeling that its in their blood, because it is.  They both have a distinct aesthetic- with an eye for artful, romantic, and sensual design. They both have very good vibes, so we will let them tell you their story of co-creation.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alle + Rachel / FLORA ex MACHINAWe are are two friends  inspired by Nature, the human experience, health, happiness, food, sustainability, keeping a sense of responsibility for and pride in Mother Nature and, most importantly, how all of these things can work together in harmony. They both dedicated  time learning everything there is to know about holistic lifestyles and traditional healing practices, using them in our own lives, and in turn helping others implement these practices into their lives as well.Why the funny name?Our name stems from an ancient Greek phrase, deus ex machina meaning, "god from the machine". It is a calque that is used to describe a plot device in story telling in which a supposedly unsolvable problem is resolved by the intervention of a new event, character, or ability. This is intended to move the story forward when the writer has no other apparent options or sees no other way out.Flora Ex Machina is our version of this concept, except we’ve substituted the Latin term flora, meaning plant life. Flora also happens to be the name of the Roman goddess of flowers, plants, and fertility.The name embodies our core values regarding our philosophy on food, health, and happiness.Plants are the magical solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem. At some point in human history we’ve managed to veer far off course in our innate understanding of how to take care of our bodies, live harmoniously with Nature, and use the inherent qualities of plants to heal and sustain ourselves.Plants are the solution to the seemingly insurmountable problem:How can I be the healthiest version of myself? In reaction to the many questionable and often times harmful practices and beliefs when it comes to all things, diet, medicine, and beauty, we’ve taken a ‘back to the earth’ approach.We believe that there is no 100 percent failsafe or correct approach on how to eat and live well. Diet dogma comes in all shapes and sizes and we’ve chosen not to subscribe to any of them fully. Our philosophy is one of learning to benefit from many philosophies by broadening our knowledge of many traditional healing modalities.We’re looking back to the earth for the tools of healing, using ancient practices in a modern world. Humans discovered very early on that everything they need to maintain their health is available to them in Nature. We’re going back to that.What we do:Food and recipes, nutrition, Traditional Chinese Medicine, herbalism, Ayurveda, macrobiotics, yoga, meditation, and everything in between.An emphasis on sourcing ingredients that are as wild, local, and organic as possible - because it does make a difference!We want this site to serve as a source of knowledge and provide empowerment for our readers to try things they previously had no idea they could do on their own, and create a revival of traditional healing and culinary practices.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you ladies for your all of your contribution !!xxAlle’s favorite things1. Juniper Ridge Douglas Fir Campfire Incense - One of my favorite memory associated scents is the smell of campfire.This stuff is incredible, and brings me right back to summer nights in Maine around a bonfire.2. Avena Botanicals- A throwback to another Maine summer, their biodynamic products are the best you can get. I’m obsessed with their Rosa rugosa elixir. It’s detoxifying, energizing, not to mention, tastes amazing. I add it to my water and sip all day long.3. Goat ghee- I seem to be throwing ghee into almost everything these days. My real obsession is a product of ours in the works, but goat ghee is a close second. I love the grassy earthy flavor in my morning bulletproof coffee.4. Henna - I love to create with my hands- whether it’s with food, on canvas, or all over my skin, and there is something so meditative about the process that keeps me grounded. My mom got me hooked on henna painting when I was little when she bought me a little kit for me and my sister to experiment with and I’ve been doing it ever since. I think Mehndi designs are some of the most beautiful and intricate patterns.5. My rock - My best friend and love of my life. He truly makes me a better human being. While it’s strange to have a rock on my finger that I never take off, my engagement ring that we designed together never fails to make me think of my life with him.6. Julia Musachio Jewelry- This is one of my dearest friend’s new jewelry line. Having her creations close keeps me inspired and motivated. She’s such a talent.7. Meade - I’m a sucker for anything floral flavored, and mead’s delicate wildflower taste just transports me to another place and time. I recently discovered one that is fermented using propolis, bee pollen, and royal jelly. 

Rachael’s favorite things

1. Restorative yoga / I spend most of my day on my feet in the kitchen. It’s easy to disregard how physically taxing the job is until the end of the day and then I’m in desperate need of some stretching and gentle relaxation for my body. I always do some sort of restorative yoga practice at the end of my day, whether it’s laying with my legs up a wall or a long psoas stretch to keep my body healthy and up to the job.2. Liquid chlorophyll / Somedays I just can’t escape the sugar. Most days I’m creating, testing or preparing multiple dishes - most of them pastries. When I find I’m having a sugar-heavy day, I make sure to drink lots of water with liquid chlorophyll added to keep hydrated and alkaline.3. Beefsteak and Wolf restaurant / This is my new home and creative outlet. I’m creating the pastries for both restaurants. Wolf is an upscale, moody, and totally date-night worthy spot while Beefsteak is plant-based and super casual.4. Essential oils / I think half of my medicine cabinet is filled with essential oils or homemade tinctures. There’s an essential oil for every need out there and they’re really easy to travel with. Lately I’ve been using a hops oil for to help me calm down and sleep in the evening, geranium oil for healing the many little kitchen wounds on my hands, and vetiver as perfume just because it’s one of my favorite scents!5. Roasted chicory tea / I’d love to drink coffee all day, but I know I can’t (I’d never sleep). I try to limit myself to a small cup of good quality coffee each morning, so for the rest of the day I sip on roasted chicory tea which is caffeine free but still has the earthy, bitter, and warming goodness that I love in a cup of coffee.6. Sesame oil / Sesame oil is my go-to moisturizer in the winter because it’s warming and nutritive qualities that balance my very Vatta disposition. I love to use it in the summer too as a natural sunscreen alternative.7. Mourè Designs jewelry / Monique is an LA-based jewelry artist and all-around inspiring woman. I’m in love with her design aesthetic and that all of the gems used in her work are kept raw and sourced through ethical harvesting practices.


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