Cancer, Casually: Nikki Bostwick Interviews Host, Lindsay DeLong

This week at Cancer, Casually, we turn the mic on our favorite hostess with the mostess, Lindsay DeLong… but in an intimate two friends just drinking matcha and talking about the ups and downs of living a life with cancer kinda way, ya know?In this ep, Lindsay is visited by the fullest’s Editor-in-Chief, Nikki Bostwick (AKA: her boss-lady), and together they break down the moment Lindsay found out she had cancer three years ago. Lindsay shares how she was initially nervous to tell Nikki about her diagnosis, and, in turn, Nikki describes how she felt unsure about the best way to be there for her friend and employee. Turns out, they navigated the journey through a lot of conversations, empathy, and in the end... this very podcast. From day one, Lindsay’s journey has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Diagnosed with an aggressive form of Her2+ cancer in the form of triple positive invasive ductal carcinoma, Lindsay shares that this type used to be a death sentence, but now, with the introduction of the drugs Herceptin and Tamoxifen, it’s become one of the most treatable types of breast cancer (which we 100 percent realize still 100 percent sucks). It’s at this point that we want to give a HUGE shout out to our brave and beloved host for having the courage to dive into her cancer journey on-air at the same time she was going through treatment, relationship issues, and kicking ass as Managing Editor of the fullest. As you’ll hear in this conversation, it wasn’t always easy or even therapeutic putting it all out on the airwaves, but with time and support from her guests and her team, the experience was ultimately healing.  We love you, Lindsay. That’s all. A special thank you to our sponsors for this episode. Foria is offering Cancer, Casually listeners 20% off products with code Fullest20, and Patchology is offering 15% with code Pink and is donating $1 from every sale to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.Listen on iTunes or Spotify.[soundcloud id='693520555' height='false']


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