What Lies Beneath

Now that I’m in my thirties, I’m inspired to go ultra minimal with all things fashion related. Perhaps it’s because I’m “busy” now managing my own life and feeling a bit more grown-up. Or maybe I just like the idea and vibe of owning a uniform. My culinary efforts also reflect this minimalism. Ultimately, to get things done is to be efficient and this comes from streamlining your life on all levels. 2015 has included multiple rounds of purging and trips to the Goodwill. We are getting there! A clean closet = a clean mind, or something like that. The last remaining drawer that has been neglected is my underwear. The Victoria Secret is long gone and for a while, I felt pretty pulled together with Cosabella and Hanky Panky bits, but recently I’ve been craving more grown-up and refined undies. What is sexy really? Is it a flawless tan in a lacy thong? Maybe. Is it wild and complicated? Is it all black? Is it nude? Is it commando? Does it matter? With my dating days behind me, I think what matters is an honest, clean + well-fitting approach. Do you see the analogy here? Sophisticated comfort rules. As we start taking better care of our inner lives, it’s also time to start acknowledging our underwearlives. This includes buying brands that are crafted with integrity. We totally understand that tossing out your 3 for $10 H&M boy-shorts to replace with one pair of $50 fancy pants might seem a bit daunting. Fear not, it’s unnecessary to toss everything just yet. The take home here is to recognize slow fashion: a piece you buy, treat well, and keep forever. (Again, do you see the analogy?) As a culture, we buy quantity over quality and that is a hard habit to break. Take the time to do a little research, and perhaps start considering what it means to buy things that you treasure and want to keep forever. Underwear included. One brand that we are totally smitten by is Botanica Workshop based here in LA. Their designs are simple, sleek, sexy + super sustainable. Check it out, and at the very least be inspired. Botanica Workshop2


Nourish Cafe Review // San Francisco


Rebecca Leffler