Rebecca Leffler

One of our favorite frenchies and green gourmets is the witty, whimsical, and très, très chic Rebecca Leffler. Rebecca has a way with words that makes us smile and nod our heads in agreement—all of this health stuff is supposed to be fun! Even if you come into wellness from a dire place, it's important to remember that laughter is the best medicine.An author, journalist, and consultant, Rebecca held a long career in entertainment as France Correspondent for The Hollywood Reporter and film critic for the French TV network Canal before trading in the red carpets of Paris for the green streets of New York.Her best-selling French book Green, Glam & Gourmande deemed the “bible of the health food movement” in France, has been translated to Spanish and Dutch and the English-language adaptation: Très Green, Très Clean, Très Chic: Eat (and live) the New French Way with Plant-based, Gluten-free Recipes for Every Season just hit shelves in the US. Think: Julia Child with a lot more kale.Named “Queen of the Vegolution” by famed Le Figaro magazine, Leffler spends her time between New York and Paris.  Thank you Rebecca for keeping us inspired with your wonderful words and for sharing so much goodness. We love your book!1. Avocado: The love of my life. Still not quite sure why I don’t live on an avocado farm in California, but until then, I plan on consuming one everyday in every way until guacamole, avocado tartines, or avocado mousse au chocolat do us part.2. Umeboshi: This is my favorite new ingredient. (And by “new,” I, of course, mean this 2000-year-old medicinal Japanese condiment). It’s not only a miracle cure for digestion woes, but it adds a salty and sweet flavor to so many dishes. It’s a game-changer.2.5. Matcha: Another Japanese superpower superfood that is suddenly trending in NYC, but I won’t complain. I adore this stuff and like it a latté (or in a smoothie, a muffin, or my “matchia” pudding extraordinaire).3. RMS Beauty: I’m all about beauty from the inside out, but hey, the outside is important too. I was on TV for so many years and I could never find a natural makeup that was both good for my skin and also...looked like makeup! Enter, Rose-Marie Swift and her amazingly wonderfully fabulous line. I love that the tiny pots of luminizer, foundation, and lip glosses can fit in my handbag (or even in my pocket) so they’re great for travel or touchups during the day.4. Tahini: I literally pour tahini over anything and everything. I'm on the go a lot, but if I can find some kind of grain (shout out to quinoa and holla back, buckwheat) and vegetables, with perhaps an avocado and some nuts or seeds thrown in as an extra bonus, all I need is tahini to turn it into an acceptable and delicious meal. My favorite is currently Dastony—so smooth and silky you don’t need to make a “tahini sauce” (although if you want to, try the “Tahini Hollandaise” in my book–divine) it’s a masterpiece on its own.5. Strala Yoga: It’s funny that this form of yoga à la Tara Stiles and her amazing crew has been deemed “rebel yoga.” It actually embodies all that yoga should be–fusing mind and body and finding balance in motion and ease on and off the mat. It’s really made me stronger in all ways and has been so grounding for me these past few years of “commuting” between two countries.6. Michael Franti: My soul has a huge crush on Michael Franti and his inspiring, booty-shaking beats. (Note: I don’t actually have a booty, but that doesn’t stop me from shaking–that’s how good these songs are.) They are like musical anti-depressants. I walk down the streets of Paris and NYC (with my Caeden headphones, another current obsession) singing and dancing to Michael Franti and Spearhead on a regular basis.7. Meditation: OM my goodness, I can’t believe I'm actually advocating meditating twice a day for 20 minutes when I spent most of my life unable to pause for more than 20 seconds. I think each person needs to find his or her own form of meditation, but TM is wonderful for me (even if I don’talways do it as much as I’d like). It has tamed my monkey mind and I love the David Lynch Foundation’s initiative that teaches charity meditation to those in need. I’m all about feeling good and doing good at the same time. (I wear TOMS when I meditate–win win!)Visit Rebecca online: Website: // Blog:


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Round Up Of Green Books