Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

The Impossible is Possible

Nope, you’re not in some alternate universe. This isn’t a crazy dream. Trump is in the White House, and this is real life. But instead of continuing down a path of disbelief, we need to accept that the once impossible is now possible. And we need to start taking responsibility from the ground up.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Does Being Spiritual Mean Staying Silent?

There’s a common belief in the spiritual community that you manifest the things you give your attention to. And in the current political landscape it’s hard not to think, discuss and get involved in issues that are only positive. So does that really mean we should all stay silent and passive in today’s world?

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Building Connection Beyond the Screen

It’s not just social media that’s wired to help us connect-- it’s also our biology. And while the Internet provides a great platform to reach out and come together, what we really crave is connection IRL. Here, Christine Dionese helps us take our online relationships to the next level.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

What Lies Beneath

From Jung to Freud, psychologists have long hypothesized that our childhood is the most powerful and formative period of our existence, and by unlocking it we are provided access to our truest self. Now, our integrative health specialist’s guide forces us to ask the tough questions about our past... and it’s both scary and beautiful.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Taking Back Resting Bitch Face

Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. And sometimes it’s curling up in the fetal position on your bed and not speaking to a single soul for two days. Michelle Lipper explains that sometimes true joy doesn’t come from slapping on a happy face, it comes from being authentic with your emotional state.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Getting Naked in Public

You don’t need a Victoria’s Secret body to feel good naked. But you do need a healthy dose of courage and a little self-love. Follow one writer’s journey from feeling subconscious to flawless in her birthday skin.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Life in Algorithms

Is your Facebook feed starting to skew less babies and engagements and more Aleppo and Trump’s cabinet picks? There’s a reason for that. Learn how Internet algorithms are influencing our news media consumption and our society.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

The Oprah Effect is Contagious

For this week’s science homework we studied Oprah. Why do we love her? Why do we read her book list? Take her advice? Buy her favorite things? Turns out there’s a science behind her influence and Christine Dionese is here to examine it.

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