GF, Recipes, Vegan, Vegetarian Nikki Bostwick GF, Recipes, Vegan, Vegetarian Nikki Bostwick

Eating Angst + Black Rice with Radicchio, Shaved Fennel

Obsessing over what goes into your mouth can often lead to extreme cravings and erratic eating behaviors. None of us really know the answers, but what we do know is that removing stress and anxiety from what you eat is crucial in finding balance and health. Here is a simple recipe you can bring to any occasion and is a crowd pleaser with the less healthfully inclined.

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GF, Paleo, Raw, Recipes, Vegan Nikki Bostwick GF, Paleo, Raw, Recipes, Vegan Nikki Bostwick

Nourishing Nog

'Tis the season for eggnog and honestly, we couldn't be more turned off by what's inside generic eggnog. Booze mixed with eggs, heavy cream, sugar, and spices…ugh! No wonder people get sick over the holidays. This combination is basically a cold waiting to happen. Fortunately, we've turned this classic recipe into something super delicious, nutritious and healing.

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