Nourishing Nog

'Tis the season for eggnog and honestly, we couldn't be more turned off by what's inside generic eggnog. Booze mixed with eggs, heavy cream, sugar, and spices…ugh! No wonder people get sick over the holidays. This combination is basically a cold waiting to happen.Fortunately, we've turned this classic recipe into something super delicious, nutritious and healing.The term “golden milk” has become synonymous with turmeric-enhanced milk. Golden milk is one of the most delicious smoothie and nut milk variations. It's also the color of eggnog. We've taken that idea and boosted the flavor and in doing so, maximized the health benefits.A rich history in Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is one of the most sacred roots, an incredibly powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant herb shown to detoxify the liver, boost immunity,  lower cholesterol, help to manage weight—the list goes on. Tumeric is absolutely one of the most perfect spices to add to your fall/winter regime. Taking turmeric on its own is not nearly as effective as combining it with a fat (coconut milk + coconut oil) and other spices, specifically black pepper.This medley of coconut milk, coconut oil,  honey, fresh turmeric, spices, and black pepper is a powerful cold and flu fighter, immunity booster, and mood enhancer. I’ve included the optional royal jelly version, which takes this recipe to the next level of nutrition.And…add a high-quality bourbon if you wish! It's all about balance.Happy Holidays!NOURISHING NOG| INGREDIENTS |

  • 2 cups coconut milk*
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon coconut butter1 tablespoon honey1 tablespoon fresh turmeric juice, or 1 teaspoon dried turmeric
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • Pinch of black pepper or a few drops of black pepper essential oil
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1 serving of Immortality Alchemy® Bee Mana (optional)

| DIRECTIONS |Blend all ingredients until smooth.Makes 1–2 servings.* Coconut Milk - made by blending 1/2 cup coconut flakes with 4 cups filtered water and straining* Immortality Alchemy® Bee Mana is 100 percent raw, organic, dried royal jelly extracted from bees that are never fed sugar or artificial sweeteners. Royal jelly is a rich source of essential vitamins (including B12, B5, and folic acid), minerals, proteins, and amino acids. It can be used as a general health tonic for increasing energy and stamina and boosting immunity.


Setting Intentions


Late Sunday Afternoon