THE FULLEST Scopes: December 2023

Here we are in the twelfth month of 2023! Happy Birthday to Sagittarius — the centaur and wanderer of the zodiac. Sagittarius is a beautiful time of the year when the fire within really starts to ignite. We begin to bring all of the information we have acquired throughout the year and form it into a new idea and identity, as the 9th sign of the zodiac knows so well.There will be three planets going direct this month:

  • Neptune: our dream planet of rose-colored lenses and ideals (12/6).

  • Chiron: the wounded healer, what we come to heal in ourselves in this incarnation (12/26).

  • Jupiter: the planet of excess and desires (12/30).

These three major aspects ask us to observe where we need to be honest with who we are now. We are no longer the same after a wild eclipse season and intense squares that removed what could not stay.

We also have Mercury retrograde beginning this month in the sign of Capricorn and will finish out in the sign of Sagittarius on New Year's Day. This can bring a feeling of laziness or the pressure to make moves. Still, it would be wise to treat this time as a rest and celebrate the new year idea of "new me" — when the new astrological year actually begins in the season of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. You are exactly where you need to be in this moment of evolution.

Here are the dates to be mindful of as we traverse the cosmos:

December 1st: Mercury enters Capricorn; focused on long-term plans and goals.December 4th: Venus enters Scorpio; passions and intimacy soar, and there is a lack of patience for anything shallow.December 6th: Neptune Direct in Pisces; clearer perspectives, intuition, and psychic gifts will be stronger.December 12th: Sagittarius New Moon; new ideas and projects are fueled with optimism but may need patience with Mercury retrograding 12/13.December 13th: Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn until 1/1/24; circling back through your goals and career plans to re-work what is outdated. Rest is of utmost importance as we are in the dead of winter — hibernate if need be.December 21st:

  • Winter Solstice

  • Sun enters Capricorn — Happy Birthday Capricorn!

  • Ambition, goals, and finances are front and center

December 26th: Full Moon in Cancer; time of comfort, tending to the home and family are in focus.December 27th: Sun Trines Jupiter; opportunity and feels of new rejuvenated ideas.December 29th: Venus enters Sagittarius; adventure with loved ones and work on projects together to build intimacy. You may also need some freedom from our partnerships of all kinds.December 30th: Jupiter is direct in Taurus; there are more opportunities to improve finances and confidence.

What does this mean for each sign in November?


Aries: Authenticity will be the area of focus for you, Aries, as the Full Moon will take place in your 4th House of Family, Parents, security, and Home. Is there balance in your family and home? What needs to be reworked during the Mercury Retrograde?Leo: Hibernation may be in order for you, dear Leo, as the twelfth house of Spirituality, Solitude, and Self Reflection are activated. This is a perfect time to recharge your body, mind, and spirit, lively ones. Mercury Retrograde will have us all looking for retreat and renewal.Sagittarius: Happy Birthday Sagittarius! Growth in all forms of finances, shared resources, and even adding to your family are under the microscope for you as the 8th house of Death, Psychology, Transformation, and Sex is activated. Remember, we learn from our mistakes and we must resolve them in order to grow.


Taurus: Evolution and transcendence are the themes for you this month as the 3rd house of Communication, Siblings, and Logic are revisited. It is safe to change your plans, perspectives, and surroundings to match the frequency of who you are now. The culminating Taurus eclipse this year has brought you to the fire, and now you emerge as who you truly want to be.Virgo: Exploration and innovation in the 11th house of friendship and community are activated. This may bring new tribe members who encourage you in ways you have dreamed of. With the shedding of the earth and water eclipses this month, we are not wasting time with those who don’t inspire and reciprocate — a familiar territory for you, Virgo — assessing what will move us forward.Capricorn: Romantic partnerships and emotional support will be front of mind for you this month as the Full Moon activates the 7th house of Marriage, Support, Harmony, and Connection. This is a wonderful time to schedule intimate dates and talk about what you want to build on and create for the year ahead.


Gemini: Possessions and values will be in focus for you this month as the 2nd House of Value, Money, and Worth are activated. This is a wonderful time with the fire of Sagittarius to ignite your career and income. Cut out the frivolous spending and trim what you can live without. The more realistic you are with your expenses, the easier it will be to focus on investing in your dreams.Libra: Your career and professional pursuits will be top of mind as the 10th house of Ambition, Career, and Legacy are activated. This may bring a change of career and having the courage to leave what is no longer a vibrational match in the career sector of your life. Harness your confidence and take it one step at a time toward the profession in which you will feel the most alive.Aquarius: Physical health and routines will be in focus for you this month, as the 6th house of Health, Wellness, Organization, and day-to-day routines are in focus. This is a wonderful time to start stretching and devoting just ten minutes a day to stillness in the mind and warming up the body. Start slow if you must, but your body will thank you, as well as your very active mind.


Cancer: The Full Moon will be in your sign, Cancer, activating your sense of Identity and Self. This is a wonderful time to clean the house, organize junk drawers, clean out cabinets, etc., so you can heal while processing feelings and emotions while you organize. It was a very therapeutic time during retrograde and the Winter Solstice. When spring comes, you will feel ready to take off to new heights.Scorpio: Travel will be a big theme for you this month, as the 9th house of Travel and Philosophy are activated. Your spirituality may seek new experiences to grow, which can be uncomfortable for Scorpio. They tend to seek comfort, routine, and black-and-white predictability. Trust that taking a step forward on the unknown path will reveal itself, and you can transmute without the traditional death-rebirth cycle of fire that Scorpio is accustomed to. Slow and steady achieves new heights.Pisces: Freedom and liberation will be very important for you this month and the year ahead. The 5th house of Creativity, Soul Expression, Children, and Hobbies is activated. Play will be very important for you as you reject the ideals and imprints of others this month. You are the most psychic and intuitive of the zodiac; the manifestation of what you seek is attracted to Joy. Paint, dance, travel, and listen to high-vibrational music to bring in all the gifts.

Cosmic Rx: Womb Protector™ Ritual Bundle

Winter is upon us, and we must keep the fire of our bodies (the womb) warm, especially during these cold months. The womb is the cosmic portal and generator of our health that must always have a flame inside us. This can look like eating warm foods, keeping your abdomen covered, and your feet warm — but the most nourishing and healing of womb care is pelvic steaming.Pelvic steaming is a long-forgotten practice that has been used for centuries across many cultures. We have created this special kit for the most elevated pelvic steaming experience — allowing modern-day women the opportunity to reconnect to the ancestral wisdom of the womb.This Ritual Bundle includes:

  • Pelvic Steaming Stool: Our stool features a minimalist design using custom-made, non-toxic, formaldehyde-free beechwood. You may feel inspired to keep it out on display rather than store it away.

  • Clay Steaming Pot: This non-toxic clay pot comes with a matching ceramic burner to help keep the pot warm throughout the duration of your steam. Use a beeswax tea light candle for optimal results.

  • Womb Protector™ Pelvic Steaming Herbs: Four single-serving sachets of our herbal blend formulated for gentle monthly support.

Womb Protector™ also aids in conception, fertility, postpartum healing, and even preventing recurring infections.

Maggie Maceri is THE FULLEST’s residential astrologer. Follow her along on the ‘gram for cosmic insight & subscribe to THE FULLEST’s newsletter for monthly horoscopes delivered straight to your inbox.


Olive Oil Cake with Saffron Buttercream Frosting


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