Slowing Down with CAP Beauty

CAP Beauty is a brand you are no doubt familiar with and most likely adore — as we also do. A true pioneer CAP brought a new philosophy to the clean living space, beauty as wellness and wellness as beauty. Blending high-integrity products, creating community and content that informs and inspires, and wrapping it all in a visual and literal language that is beautiful in intention and design; CAP Beauty truly elevated clean beauty. In this episode, we were fortunate enough to sit down with original co-founder, Kerrilynn Pamer.A few fun things we get into:
  • Kerrilynn’s journey from working as a stylist at Martha Stewart to starting CAP
  • CAP and Kerrilynn’s shifts and changes throughout the pandemic
  • Building a team that you value and can rely on
  • Looking at the deeper meaning of language in cosmetics
  • The importance of conscious consumerism as a foundation
  • Kerrilynn’s “consistency as balance” philosophy

If you are a fan of the brand, are interested in clean living and beauty, or looking to make a leap into starting your own business — then join us for this episode![itunes_spotify_urls itunes="" spotify=""]

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