Routines & Rituals with MaryRuth Ghiyam

We’re sure many of you have heard of vitamin company MaryRuth’s and we were lucky enough to chat with the founder, MaryRuth, herself. MaryRuth started her company in 2014. After tragically losing both her father and her brother unexpectedly due to heart conditions, MaryRuth felt her purpose in life was to help people be healthy so they could live life to the fullest. She changed career paths and pursued a path as a health coach that eventually led to her starting a supplement company (more on that later). Mary has built a wellness company with enormous impact and is also a mom of four little ones under five. In this column, she shares the routines and rituals that help her stay healthy, happy, successful, and balanced.

With MaryRuth, we learn that you really can have it all with a little time management, clarity, and of course, focused effort.

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about MaryRuth Organics? Did it find you or did you find it?

A: I would say it found me. What’s so beautiful about our company is that it came from taking care of people, as my mom and I have been taking care of people our entire lives.I was teaching my concept of Liquids Till Lunch on 47th and 3rd in New York City. People loved this idea but said, “Wow, I love Liquids Till Lunch but everytime I take my capsule vitamins, I’m so nauseous that I just don’t want to take my vitamins.” So that’s where the idea originated, from our clients and our community. I thought about how I should make a liquid morning multivitamin and then a liquid nighttime multimineral. One product eventually turned into over 150 products and I love that it came from the act of taking care of people through a nutrition program.

Q: Do you have a consistent daily AM and/or PM routine? Or do you mix it up?

A: I 100% have a daily, consistent AM and PM daily routine that I have done for over 18 years. Basically, it all comes down to time blocking. For those of you who don’t know what time blocking is, the day before each day, you take time to write down and time block everything you’re going to do from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to sleep.It’s so amazing because every single person wants the freedom to do more things that they love and that make them happy. People also want to feel like they’re moving forward every day, even if it’s at an extremely slow pace. Time blocking is a way to help yourself, it’s a ritual between you and yourself.Some people do meditation and some people do yoga, but I’ve loved time blocking for 18 years. Just planning out not only my morning and nighttime routine but my whole 24-hour routine. I really believe in it. I always like to say that structure creates freedom, and I believe that time blocking gives you a structure to have the freedom to do the things you love.

Q: How does the natural world support your modern life?

A: I think everyone wants to feel great and in the year 2022, we’re busier than we’ve ever been before. Using holistic things or taking care of ourselves by doing things such as drinking half of our body weight in ounces of water, getting 15 minutes of sunshine daily, exercising, thinking positively, and believing in a universal force of goodness — are all things in the natural world that help to support a busy modern life.

Q: Do you have any rituals that you practice daily, weekly, or monthly?

A: Yes, again — time blocking! Time blocking is a ritual rooted in the idea of healing through repetition.

I believe that a person can heal anything in their life, and achieve anything in life, it just comes down to a lot of self-awareness of knowing what makes you happy and then managing your time accordingly mixed in with a combination of hard work and patience.

For me, time blocking is something I have done for over 130,000 hours and I’ve watched many clients, friends, and family achieve their personal “next level” through time blocking.

Q: Are there any particular foods or botanicals that align with your beauty routine or self-care practice?

A: Yes, absolutely! I love fruits, vegetables, avocados, and herbs. We actually have an herbal product line which I love. I personally take valerian root every night to help have a deep sleep. If you have a great quality of sleep that helps with self-care and feeling and looking your best. I also love lemon balm and love our turmeric herbal which I take three times a day.

Q: What’s the one piece of advice you’d give someone trying to support their daily lives with supplements?

A: Just consistency. It’s all about a routine and building out a routine that makes you happy in a 24-hour period. I think in today’s daily lifestyle if your budget allows it, taking some vitamins in the morning and before bed in a consistent routine is so impactful.We also have a program at our company for people who cannot afford the vitamins and supplements they need, called WeCare Support. Email to apply if you need financial assistance!MaryRuth Organics is a highly successful vitamin company that sells over 130+ supplement products including the original Raspberry Liquid Morning Multivitamin that is still their #1-bestseller. MaryRuth is the mom of four children under five years old, and lives in Los Angeles with her husband, David, and mom, Colleen.


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