The Sovereign Journey Into the Self with Zach Bush, MD

Today, we welcome Zach Bush, MD, a renowned, multi-disciplinary physician of internal medicine, endocrinology, hospice care, and an internationally recognized educator on the microbiome as it relates to human health, soil health, food systems, and a regenerative future. He is a long-time friend to THE FULLEST and the family physician and specialist to our founder and host, Nikki Bostwick. However, more than that, he is a profound voice on the journey to self awareness, acceptance, and sovereignty.To give you a glimpse into Zach’s depth and breadth of knowledge on our internal and external health – this episode dives into many emotional (yet comforting) themes including:
  • Hard lessons he learned as a clinical physician including his own egoic dance with being a doctor
  • The universal message his patients who experienced a near death experience shared upon returning
  • The importance of intuition and sovereignty as a patient in a medical system that tries hard to repress this natural teacher
  • The spiritual wisdom that can be found in cells under a microscope
  • His thoughts on sovereignty, abortion, and Roe v. Wade
  • Parenthood and its role as a conduit not as a life-giver
  • Reframing “death” as a way to truly embrace life

Full disclaimer: this one requires a few deep breaths and there may be tears or chills – especially, if you're a parent or trying to make sense of the more existential aspects of life and death. However, listen closely and we’re sure you’ll walk away with a full heart.[itunes_spotify_urls itunes="" spotify=""]

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