What Is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone: What is it?

Ozone is an altered form of oxygen produced by a certified and registered generator. Ozone is a gas production which has oxidizing properties and has been shown to have medical applications.Ozone has been shown to increase oxygen utilization by improving the NAD/NADH ratio. NAD is a significant component of the CITRIC ACID/KREB cycle. This biological cycle is responsible for producing energy in the body via the Mitochondria. The mitochondria are an organelle found in the cell, often referred to as the powerhouse of all cells. When the mitochondria does not function well, the body and organs can begin to age due to lack of energy and oxygen.

Ozone helps to generate cytokines which are chemical messengers made by white blood cells to help with immune support, it also stimulates antioxidant molecules like glutathione for healing.

Conditions That May Respond to Ozone Therapy

Since oxygen is so fundamental to why people get sick and how the body heals, ozone therapy has been found to be useful for many conditions including: heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, herpes, hepatitis, interstitial cystitis, diabetes, Lyme disease, chemical sensitivity, macular degeneration, intestinal disorders, and auto-immune disorders.Additionally, ozone therapy has been used throughout the world for various medical, dental, and veterinarian indications for over fifty years. There are over 2,300 peer reviewed scientific papers published on ozone therapy. These papers can be accessed on the library page of the academy’s website. These papers address the safety and efficacy of ozone therapy.

Is Ozone Therapy Safe?

The primary mission of the American Academy for Ozone Therapy (AAO) is to provide educational and therapeutic standards for the safe and effective use of medical ozone therapy in America. A safety study in the overall use of ozone therapy was published in 1982. The reference is below. That study found that in a group of 384,775 patients treated with various forms of ozone therapy including a total of 5,579,238 treatment sessions, a very low complication rate of 0.006% was observed. The only major complications occurred when ozone was improperly provided from untrained practitioners. The AAO was formed to standardize and promote the safe and correct medical use of ozone therapy in the United States. Our members have taken extensive training on safe and proven protocols in ozone therapy and have passed examinations in addition. If these guidelines are followed, we believe that the data shows that ozone therapy is one of the safest of medical therapies.

IV Ozone Therapy

In its most potent form, we offer ozone by what is described as a major auto hemotransfusion or MAH. Blood is withdrawn through an IV catheter and by gravity, is heparinized to prevent clotting, combined with an equal amount of ozone at high concentration and then infused back into each patient. This process takes approximately 60 minutes for a two pass treatment of blood infused two times.

American Academy for Ozone Therapy (AAO)

The AAO is a member of The International Medical Ozone Federation which represents 21 different ozone related medical associations around the world. The IMEOF has dedicated itself to ensuring that medical practitioners around the world are properly trained to use standardized ozone protocols to provide safety and maximum efficacy. The IMEOF has published The Madrid Declaration which establishes safety and efficacy standards for ozone therapy. This document has been published in English, Spanish, Arabic, French, German, English, Spanish, and Japanese. See the reference below.

Jacobs M. Accidents and Typical Complications in Ozone Therapy. OzoNachrichten. Vol. 1, 5, 1982
Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy (2nd edition). ISCO3, 2nd. edition, 2015,

This article is syndicated and was first published on The Integrative Medical Institute — all credit is given to the original source and author.


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