LA Fashion District’s Most Eco-Friendly Coffee Shop

In a sea of mass-consumerism sits Earth Bean Coffee in the middle of LA’s Fashion District. They are the new kids on the block and they’re ready to set the new standard of sustainability for the neighborhood. From their organic coffee and superfood offerings to their recycling and composting system to their cup exchange, this eco-chic, 100% certified organic coffee shop is well-worth the trek downtown.

Driving along South Los Angeles Street the eye is met with garment shop after garment shop, but Earth Bean’s facade and plant-popping signage is a bold and pleasant surprise.

While many places offer organic coffee now, it’s often that their food won’t also be -- or, maybe that both their food and coffee is, but they’re still using plastics or not recycling. Earth Bean is the entire feel-good package. They are committed to organics beyond their front door, certified as both an organic roaster and organic facility. They also offer their organic coffee for wholesale to other shops and restaurants in the area.With these sentiments in mind, I asked Earth Bean Coffee owners, Joan and David Leclerc what inspired an eco-coffee shop in downtown LA -- because downtown’s not necessarily known for its great commitment to sustainability. “Like most people with jam packed schedules, we found ourselves grabbing convenient stuff like to-go coffees, take-out food, etc., all of which typically come packaged in single-use plastics. And, most convenient food and beverages aren’t healthy or organic,” Joan shares of her and David’s initial idea. “David and I have always been sustainably-minded people, so this cost of convenience was hitting home. We started making changes in our habits, but the impact on the world overall seemed small.” The couple then decided to create Earth Bean as a way to not only change their own lives, but to impact and inspire as many people as possible with their organic and sustainable offerings. And they sought to do it right. Joan admits it was frustrating for her and David that so many companies were trying to portray that they were indeed organic and/or doing good for the planet, when really they weren’t being or doing either. “These companies are simply using it as a marking technique -- and even as a justification for higher prices -- but they’re not putting people or our planet first,” says Joan. Earth Bean strives to be the bigger company and to set the right example… starting with the Fashion District.Joan and David share that one of the driving reasons for choosing the Fashion District to open their first location is because fashion, in Joan’s words, “is one of the most polluting industries.” They feel their way of doing business will make a statement the neighborhood can reflect on and will ultimately raise awareness. And it’s working… so far Earth Bean’s clients from the industry have been very supportive of their sustainable and organic concept -- even participating in their reusable cup program and bringing their compost in to recycle. Now, that’s what we like to call a fashion win!Christine Dionese, co-founder of flavor ID is an integrative, epigenetic health and food therapy specialist, as well as a wellness, lifestyle, and food journalist. She has dedicated her career to helping others understand the science of happiness and its powerful effects on everyday human health by harnessing the power of the epigenetic landscape. Christine lives, works, and plays with her family in Southern California.


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