Organic Gemini

Tigernuts: extremely healing, highly nutritious, super delicious—dare we say life-saving???It all started with a devastating diagnosis of ovarian cancer for Mariam Kinkladze, meaning the removal of her ovaries and zero children in her future. As a woman, there’s absolutely no news worse than this. Her husband George Papanastasatos sought alternative holistic treatments, starting with a raw food diet. Now, through eating only organic foods free of GMOs, dairy, and gluten, the couple discovered the tigernut. It’s an ancient superfood that aided Mariam in healing her diagnosis.No, it’s not a nut. The name is misleading! Tigernuts are super yummy roots that mostly come from Northern Africa and the Mediterranean. I had no idea what they were until Organic Gemini arrived.Based in Brooklyn, Organic Gemini is the purest tigernut company around. In our eyes, it’s the only one. Hello, organic, gluten-free, non-gmo, paleo, nut-free, kosher, vegan, raw, and delicious food! This miracle root is full of so many nutrient-rich properties, like iron and potassium. It’s also prebiotic, which helps develop probiotics, and is packed full of fiber.Tigernuts are popular in other parts of the world, but are just now gaining steam in the U.S. Mariam had to dig deep into her own roots to heal and find this miracle root. Organic Gemini is expanding—and fast.  Gone are the days when Mariam, who miraculously got pregnant after naturally ridding herself of cancer, passed out samples of her Tigernut Horchata at Whole Foods.OrganicGemini2Did we mention Organic Gemini began with Mariam’s horchata creation? Cold pressed & cold pressured with flavors like chai, coffee, strawberry, banana, and greens—a little something for everyone. If you’ve never tried horchata before, it's a Mexican spiced drink usually loaded with way too much sugar and milk. Of course, Organic Gemini’s horchata is a different story! Mariam's experimentations with horchata led her to meet George (the Gemini in the brand name), who had a background in the beverage industry—talk about a match made in heaven. Now they’ve expanded to provide many tigernut products: oil, flour, raw snacks like granola and sliced Tigernuts.What we love most about Organic Gemini products is the amazing story and mission behind what they're doing. When we were young vegans, soy milk felt like our only option. Now we have almond milk, rice milk, and plenty of other choices, but we're maxing out the almond usage so maybe it’s time we turn to tigernuts. Tigernut milk could be the next almond milk.For those of you with allergies, fear not—NO ONE is allergic to tigernuts.“We are honored and humbled to be able to help other people experience this wonderful superfood so that they can reap the health benefits that we have experienced and continue to experience.”-Organic Gemini.Well, WE are honored to have had the chance to meet ultra sweet Mariam and learn more about Organic Gemini and how they’re going to change the world with the miracle root, the tigernut.


Beets + Their Greens Gratin


Nicole Granato