Beets + Their Greens Gratin

For those of us celebrating holiday traditions, roots run deep. It's hard to escape Thanksgiving classics without creating some unnecessary drama. That's why we are huge fans of holiday compromise! Believe it or not, it’s possible to create dishes that are easy and delicious crowd-pleasers while minimizing the risk of upsetting anyone. In the spirit of the holidays, we’re celebrating our roots with root vegetables.Potato gratin often makes its way to the table during Thanksgiving. It’s decadent, but there are definitely healthier things than cheesy, creamy, gluten-filled potatoes. We've changed it up by creating an iron-rich, liver-detoxifying, nutritional powerhouse of a dish that tastes delicious with that holiday pinot noir. This works as an excellent side dish, but can also serve as a main course for any vegetarians at the table. And… it's super simple. Ingredients

  • 2 beets peeled, cubed and cut into 1- inch pieces
  • 1 tablespoons ghee, coconut oil, or grass fed butter
  • Sea Salt
  • Pepper


  • 1 large bunch of beet greens (or a mixture of beet greens + kale), cleaned and chopped
  • 2-3 tablespoons fresh thyme
  • 1 tablespoons ghee, coconut oil, or grass fed butter
  • 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
  • Sea Salt
  • Pepper


  • 1 cup raw goat cheese, or your favorite vegan alternative, or 4-5 tablespoons nutritional yeast

2Non-Vegan/Classic Version

  • 3 large eggs (optional)
  • 1 cup raw cream or almond milk


  1. Preheat oven to 450.
  2. Toss beets with one tablespoon of ghee, coconut oil or butter. Add a generous pinch of sea salt and pepper. Roast beets for 30-45 minutes until tender. Allow to cool.
  3. After beets are roasted reduce oven to 350.
  4. While beets are roasting, clean the greens, chop, and lightly steam. You only want to steam the greens until they are bright green. Toss the greens with ghee, coconut oil, or butter. Add thyme, vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Once beets are roasted, and greens are dressed, toss all ingredients together.

 Vegan If making the vegan version, simply toss all ingredients with 1/2 cup vegan cheese of your choice or nutritional yeast. Grease an iron skillet and spread mixture evenly in pan. Bake for 30 minutes until all ingredients are well combined. Allow to cool for 10-15 minutes before serving. Garnish with extra vegan cheese or nutritional yeast.  Non-Vegan/Classic Version

  1. Whisk eggs together with cream or almond milk.
  2. Toss egg mixture with beets and greens. Toss with 1/2 cup of goat cheese.
  3. Grease an iron skillet and spread mixture evenly in pan. Bake for 30 minutes until all ingredients are well combined. Top with remaining goat cheese and allow to bake for 5-10 more minutes until cheese is melted. Allow to cool for 10-15 minutes before serving.

Serves 6-8 people 


Kundalini: Gratitude & Denial


Organic Gemini