Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Change the Way You THINX About Periods

You’ve read about their game-changing underpants everywhere, swooned over their chic AF marketing campaign, and one of your friends is begging you to try their cycle set undies (and rightly so). Now, meet the twin sisters who just dropped the mic on the feminine hygiene category, pretty much transforming periods FOREVER.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

A New Perspective on Immediacy

You just left work. You’re ordering your Pad Thai on GrubHub from your Uber. You’ve timed it perfectly so that as you arrive at your doorstep, so too will your dinner. But what are the long-term impacts of our ‘want it now’ culture?

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Overindulging or Undernourished?

Our resident health expert shares her Holiday Toolkit to ensure your Thanksgiving is a healthy and happy one. From adaptogens that help you lower adrenals (family drama anyone?) to nutritional tips and the importance of keeping those pesky blood sugar levels in balance.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Home for the Holidays

One writer discovers there’s nothing like being home with your family to remind you that your journey to enlightenment... is not over yet. Family can bring out the best (and the worst) in us, and at Thanksgiving it’s not just the potatoes boiling away in the pressure cooker. Check out these seven tips to help you avoid an explosion.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Managing Your Magnetism as a Self-Help Practitioner

Are you a yogi, healer, or nutritionist? Or maybe your social group’s go-to-girl? All of us are self-help practitioners in some way. Oftentimes we find people unintentionally draining our energy or find ourselves investing too much in other people’s problems. Christine Dionese offers simple tips to help ward off energy vampires by setting boundaries with clients, friends, and yourself.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Discover Your Soul’s Resonance

Enlightenment isn’t an end goal. And it isn’t only found in a six-week meditation retreat. It can happen anywhere: on your sketch pad, in downward dog, or even a movie theatre. Discover the tools to help you feel truly alive in every moment.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Expect Everything, Get Nothing

We all know how hard it is not to let your imagination run away with you when something or someone good comes into your life. We’ve all been guilty of post-first date thoughts like, “Will our future kids have my nose or his?” While we’re totally aware it may not last forever, it’s fun to get caught up in the excitement of the new. But as Michelle Lipper warns, too much expectation can quickly lead to bitter disappointment. Here’s how to avoid it.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

We Need to Talk About Guns

If the issue of gun control in this country causes you to weep, makes you furious, and leaves you frightened, then go on and invite those feelings in! Because those feelings transform into the thing that makes you speak up at the next dinner party, makes you vote, makes you petition, and ultimately becomes the one that makes a difference.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

The Rage Trigger

Everyone has their own Incredible Hulk. Yep, even your yogi friend that just got rear-ended by that douche in the Porsche and responded with an incomprehensibly calm “Namaste.” We all feel anger, injustice, fury… and we all have different catalysts. Here, Bristol Baughan shares her rage triggers and what she does with them.

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Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick Life, Mind & Body Nikki Bostwick

Forget Niche Dating Apps; Dating Takes Time

You’ve got your checklist of requirements for future BAE, entered it into your preferred dating app, and now you’re sitting back and praying for those three little words, “It’s a match.” But are niche dating apps preventing us from finding love in unexpected places and people?

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