Creating Your Intentional Space with The Well Lived Woman

The Well Lived Woman, founded by psychotherapist Jaimi Brooks, was initially built as a space where her clients could meaningfully unite as a community through therapy. What started as a passion project has grown into Topanga Canyon’s intentional gathering spot where women (& men!) join together to reflect, connect, and flourish.Today, The Well Lived Woman offers gatherings based upon self-reflection, fun, and creativity. Every month holds different offerings — a deep dive on female friendship, a workshop on menstrual health, a moon circle, a couples sound bath, and an intentional networking event, are just naming a few. Be sure to scope out their calendar for upcoming events.The Well Lived Woman is also home to a shop of beautifully curated goods, picked with the intention to add beauty and ease to your life. Find beauty products, home trinkets, and meaningful objects that will help personal growth, encourage intentional living, or will sit pretty on your nightstand. They also carry our Warm Feelings® saffron latte sachet, Kinder Thoughts® saffron capsules, and both Saffron Soaks. Be sure to pop in if you are wandering through the canyon! In the meantime, enjoy this read, slow down, and dive into the healing space that welcomes all walks of life — no matter the journey you are on...

Q: What does creating an intentional space mean to you?

A: An intentional space is created by finding clarity of what you want the space to be used for and how you want to feel in the space. From there, let those intentions guide you in all the tiny details and decisions required to bring the space to life!I wanted The Well Lived Woman to feel warm, welcoming, versatile (for our many needs), and beautiful in a grounded (yet imperfect) way.

Q: What tools and practices have you used in your space to bring your values and intentions to life?

A: I created the Values Deck exercise to help people recognize their values. So many things are important to us, but if we don’t understand what is MOST important, we make reactive decisions that don’t reflect our most authentic selves and our current purpose. I did the Values Deck exercise for the space and as a way to help me narrow in on what was most important for The Well Lived Woman.

Q: What are some of your most treasured rooms and areas? Why?

A: I love the circle room! This room is a sunken circle where we gather; it's entirely monochromatic terracotta, whereas the rest of the space is bright and airy. I wanted the circle room to feel like a contrast.When you enter the room, it feels like an exception from the rest of everyday life. It is cozy, safe, and supportive; it brings a sense of presence with yourself and others that gather in the space.

Q: Are there any significant items and pieces in your spaces that hold particular meaning or fondness?

A: Sarah Sherman Samuel is the space designer and one of my nearest and dearest. Working on The Well Lived Woman was an incredible experience; the feeling of possibility and creativity was palpable as we handpicked, designed, and chose everything!She designed the workshop table as part of her furniture line for Lulu and Georgia. She conjured up a table in her mind, drew it, and now it’s in my space!The chair our retail team sits on was actually ordered for Kristen Wiig (Sarah was designing her home in Australia, and there happened to be an extra one). Sarah thought it was perfect for us, but it was not what I’d imagined. I listened to Sarah because she felt strongly and I love it now! So basically, I got a free chair from Kirstin Wiig (that I didn’t want), and now I am in love with it!The retail desk was designed to be an “organic oval,” but conveying what that meant to the carpenter and stone fabricator was a funny process. It came out amazingly, though!Every nook and cranny at The Well Lived Woman has a story!

Q: Do you think our external environments affect our inner world?

A: I absolutely do. I don’t think beauty is frivolous; it’s deeply healing. I’m always confused why more therapists don’t find it important to create inspiring office spaces.

Q: What has been one change that you’ve made in your home or workspace that has impacted your physical, mental, or spiritual health?

A: A narrow color palette for the spaces I spend time in helps me feel peaceful and grounded.

Q: How do you find creating a space for your business different from creating a space solely for yourself?

A: It doesn’t feel that different to create a space for business than home. Maybe it’s the nature of what my business is! The Well Lived Woman was built with the intention to be a home-away-from-home!Jaimi Brooks is a psychotherapist, women's group leader, author of the Values Deck, and founder of The Well Lived Woman. She finds great joy in connecting others to what they need to live their truest lives.

Photos by Jessica J. Alexander


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