THE FULLEST Scopes: April is for Living

April activates our expansion, calling us forward, expanding the dance between self and other, and pushing us past our comfort zones before grounding us in sensual delights and the slow and steady.On April 6th, we have the Full Pink Moon in Libra. Relating, the art of connection, is illuminated. We’re living in the Age of Me. Libra says hold on; we’re not in this alone. We need one another. It’s not enough to simply satisfy ourselves. Aren’t we here, in the end, for one another? So much talk of codependency and nearly not enough collaboration.

No one lives in a vacuum; no one can bear the weight all alone.

This Full Moon extends the olive branch, Jupiter is involved, and we see the bigger picture. The more we help ourselves, the more we help each other. Victim consciousness be damned. We’re taking on new challenges and leveling up our game.This Chariot energy is on full display with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, a rare and second New Moon in Aries this year, this time at the very last degree that launches the Aries/ Libra Eclipse Series that will carry us into Spring of 2025. Think back to 2004-2006; Eclipses run on 19-year cycles. We’ll likely be visiting some similar themes.The underlying conversation is the harmonization of ourselves with the other. Relationship dynamics are likely to morph as we’re called into greater equilibrium within our own psyches.The Sun entering Taurus on April 20th and Mercury Retrograding April 21st will allow us to integrate all the fiery starts of the previous month. This is our Hero/ Heroine’s Journey, our entelechy making itself known. As our external markers of security continue to rupture (Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Aquarius), we’re reminded of just how resilient and capable we are.

Nothing is guaranteed, but anything is possible. And life, it’s for living.

Cosmic Rx

April offers us the opportunity to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to reach for a helping hand. Balance April’s energy by making self-compassion a daily ritual. Our Kinder Thoughts™ saffron capsules contain clinically studied doses of saffron and turmeric to balance your emotional well-being and mood. Taken regularly, they can lead you to more harmony in your internal world and with others.Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based in Nashville. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


Cut the Toxins with Dr. Ryan Monahan
