Scroll This Online Rolodex of Quality Healers & Practitioners

If you've ever felt called to get an intuitive reading or have your natal chart done, finding the "right" person can be challenging. Nowadays, you can Google almost anything, but it's still not the greatest for finding trusted healers. A quick type of "psychic" into your search bar, and you may find there are some dubious results. More often than not, trusted healers are recommended by friends, or you've heard them on a podcast interview but often, popular practitioners come with long wait times.

Enter, Realm of Experience, an online rolodex of vetted healers from across the globe and a range of disciplines, including Dani Beinstein, Hilary Pearlson, and Erin Claire Jones.

We sat down with the founder, Rachel Guest, to learn more about the platform and tips on sourcing practitioners that genuinely resonate.

Q: What led you to start Realm of Experience?

A: In 2014, I moved to Los Angeles from Australia. I often joke that once you live in LA for any length of time, you become fluent in the language of astrology. Equally, you don't need to seek out the healing arts; they're just a part of the fabric and the culture. Being exposed to these healing modalities spiked my curiosity, and I immersed myself in holistic healing — specifically those more metaphysical. These tools and frameworks worked for me in many areas of my life, and I saw tangible results.Fast forward to moving back to Australia in 2020 and looking to find local healers in my area. It was challenging. Even searching for trusted healers based overseas and offering remote services was hard to "google". Finding good people required homework and asking a lot of friends for a lot of recommendations. Also, the waiting lists for some practitioners were months (even years long). It became apparent that there wasn't a one-stop-shop for the healing arts that provided a solid directory of healers. So, I decided to fill the gap in the hope it would be helpful to those both seeking and giving healing arts and services.

Q: What modalities does The Realm provide?

A: We have practitioners from all sorts of backgrounds! Initially, we launched with more spiritual and somatic modalities such as astrology, human design, kundalini yoga, numerology, intuitives, EFT, and movement therapy — these modalities felt as if they had less visibility than other wellness-related practices. However, we are also looking to expand into more holistic health-related modalities and have a few functional medicine doctors and acupuncturists also listed.

Q: What do you look for in healers and practitioners?

A: We feel that the role of the Realm of Experience is to provide people with accessibility and connection to quality healing arts practitioners. Our goal isn't to be a gatekeeper or create an exclusive list of healers, but to ensure that those on our Directory are committed to their practice and genuinely providing value and support for their clients.Our healers fill out a short interview questionnaire that helps us understand their training, years of experience, and values and perspectives on their work. Some people in our Directory have decades of experience, and others are more new to their craft. Some have studied with international teachers; others are self-taught. Age or accolades in this area doesn't mean a healer is "better". It's much more about the personal resonance and intention of the practitioner. Being discerning but not elitist also allows us to share more healers in more locations, time zones, and price points.Equally, we do not accept healers who fortune tell or promise to have a silver bullet to all of life's challenges. To us, that's a hard pass.

Q: What advice do you have for someone looking for a new healer or practitioner?

A: My advice would be to go with your gut and also do a little research. On The Realm Directory, we link out to all practitioners' platforms. You don't need to do a serious stalk but jump on their website or Instagram and get a feel for who they are, their approach, and what you can expect in a session. If you still feel unsure, shoot them an email about their offering. A lot of practitioners also provide short clarity calls free of charge. Also, in terms of modality — be honest with yourself about what you need and be open to something different to your usual modality. For example, if you're quite mentally oriented and love geeking out on the science of astrology and human design — perhaps also complement it with embodied or somatic therapies like hands-on reiki healing, breathwork, or energy healing.

Q: Why do you think sharing the healing arts is important?

A: Normalizing the healing arts is important to me. They've opened up my aperture to understand better the world, my relationships, and ultimately myself. So often these ancient technologies and philosophies can be dismissed as idealistic at best and snake oil at worst. However, in my realm of experience, they offer a lot of universal wisdom, truth, and opportunity for self-inquiry and practical growth. When it comes to these modalities versus more conventional schools of thought around health, psychology, or the meaning of life — it's not one or the other for me. I believe they can both exist, and we can all learn from each other.

Q: What is your hope for The Realm?

I hope that The Realm becomes a trusted resource for those seeking healing arts and a safe space for healers worldwide to share their practice. Speaking of — if you're a healer or practitioner looking to connect with more people, please get in touch!Realm of Experience is a rolodex of vetted and high integrity healers across a range of modalities from functional health doctors to intuitives and mediums, human design to astrology, and kundalini teachers to acupuncturists. Find a healer or follow along on Instagram.


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