THE FULLEST Scopes: Tend to Self and Others

September finds us returning to the rituals and daily habits that ground us. There’s a lot of movement as we prepare for the change of season. We may feel pulled in multiple directions or questioning our choices, providing us with ample opportunities to explore our values and what it is we really need during the Sun’s transit through Virgo. There’s a lot of focus in the wellness world on fulfilling our needs, but this month we’re reminded that, as the Bob Dylan song goes, "you’re gonna have to serve somebody."

We need others, and others need us. Life is give and take. In clarifying our values, we gain discernment, the capacity to choose our duties and obligations and commitments, so our giving becomes a form of self-expression rather than one of self-sacrifice. With the arrival of the Equinox and Libra Season, on September 22nd, we welcome the other, meeting halfway and evolving in the process.

The Theme For This Month Is: TEND

Verb used with object:

  • To attend to by work or services, care, etc.
  • To tend a fire.
  • To look after; watch over and care for; minister to or wait on with service:
  • To tend the sick.
  • Nautical. to handle or attend to (a rope).

Verb (used without object):

  • To attend by action, care, etc. (usually followed by to).

Full Moon in Pisces, September 10, 2022, 2:59 am PST

This Full Moon is a bit scattered and disorienting, yet it offers us a moment of healing and release. We’ve got a lot on our plate. Overwhelm is certainly possible. So is denial. Our souls are yearning for more than the to-do list. We’re drawn to the mystical, as we surrender our illusions of control. Metaphor, symbolism, poetry, music, fine art and energetic healing awaken portals of magic and wonder. We remember that life is always asking us to choose “this or something greater for the highest good of all concerned”and to remember the inherent interconnectedness of all things. The subtlest ripple can have the greatest effect.

New Moon in Libra, August 27, 2022, 2:54 pm PST

This New Moon is expansive, encouraging us to move beyond our comfort zone and reimagine new possibilities. Our relationships — be they familial, platonic, or romantic — grow us. This lunation resets our expectations, allowing us to renegotiate while Mercury retrogrades. Relationships are fluid, a continual dynamic, unfixed. Can we release the need or desire to change the other and instead ask ourselves, “What is here for me to learn?” “Where am I being asked to further my interpersonal skills, to navigate the art of negotiation?” So much shouting and snark and so little listening these days. Libra’s highest expression is a relational superpower, needed more now than ever. Compromise is not the dirty word it’s made out to be. It’s an evolutionary necessity.

Virgo Rx: Help Yourself Have Kinder Thoughts

Virgo the sign of daily rituals and service dominates the month, it can also be a sign with a predisposition to anxiety and nervousness as well as perfectionism and criticism (usually turned inward). Balance this month’s energy by making the time to make self-compassion a daily ritual. Our Kinder Thoughts™ saffron capsules contain clinically studied doses of saffron and turmeric to balance your emotional wellbeing and mood. Taken regularly, they can lead you to more harmony in your internal world and with others.Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based in Nashville. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


Mamamoods with Barrett Prendergast


THE FULLEST Guide to Asheville