THE FULLEST Scopes: Find Your Nobility

We begin July in Cancer season, fresh off the fiery New Moon in Cancer as the tail emotions run high. Cancer season invites us into the sacred, nourishing, womb like spaces. We crave safety and security, feeling deeply connected and cared for. This tender attention paves the way for Leonine creation, the spark of joyful play and delight.

The theme for this month, which journeys us through the Full Moon in Capricorn, the start of Leo season, and the New Moon in Leo, is NOBLE.

Noble / Nō′bəl (adjective)

  1. Having or showing qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity, or honor
  2. Proceeding from or indicative of such a character; showing magnanimity

The Capricorn Full Moon occurs on July 13th at 12:08 pm PST. The energy here updates the traditional, creating opportunities for new pathways and portals. The air is ripe for clarifying and illuminating long term goals and plans. Capricorn does not suffer fools. It knows a thing or two and would prefer to avoid any and all drama, if possible. It’s less forgiving, mostly because it holds itself to such a high standard. This can limit its own expression, but it can also strengthen it, pulling the Cancerian spectrum of feelings into strong relief. A stoic will say, “be lenient with others, and be strict with yourself.” It’s our responsibilities and duties that come into focus here, adulthood. In a media landscape hell-bent on perpetuating eternal adolescence, this lunation may be a hard pill to swallow — but we’ll be far better off in heeding its call.The Leo New Moon occurs on July 28th at 10:55 am PST, brightening and shaking up our prospects, with support from enterprising, fiery Jupiter in Aries. Our inner light is illuminated and we’re feeling the spark of creative inspiration. Leo is generous of heart and spirit, spreading warmth and good cheer. There’s a lot of talk in personal growth circles of playing small. It’s not so much that our shyness enables this. Rather, it’s pettiness, jealousy, gossip, remaining locked in judgment and snark, that arrests our expansion. This lunation is an opportunity to expand our heartscape, dance with life, allow ourselves to remove the self-imposed shackles and go for the gold.

Cancer Season Ritual

Cancer is the sign of the feminine and the perfect season to start a practice that connects you with your female body. It’s also a water sign and is deeply connected to its emotions and a sense of home.

Our Womb Protector™ Ritual Bundle is a beautiful gift to align and deepen into this zodiac season. The ancient womanly art of pelvic steaming has been practiced for centuries for its ability to ground us into a feeling of safety within our own bodies, to nourish and heal our internal sacred spaces, and to connect us with our own intuition.Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based in Nashville. She offers ongoing private and group coaching, as well as circles and retreats. Her newest offering, a 6 month mastermind journey entitled The Path To Sovereignty, launches in September. You can learn more at and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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