In My Orbit with Hilary Pearlson of The Dreamerie

If you haven’t heard of The Dreamerie, it’s an amazing portal created by today’s In My Orbit guest and Akashic Records reader, Hilary Pearlson. Connected to her intuition since childhood, Hilary found her way to the Akashic Records later in life, it has since changed the course of her journey and been a supportive tool as she’s navigated health challenges, career changes, and everything else that comes with being a modern human in the world. As someone that professionally channels the ethereal realms, Hilary understands that she needs a lot of feet on the ground healing tools – and you’ll find as much earthiness as you will metaphysical in her column — check it out below.

Q: This is obviously a moving target — but what’s your current wellness philosophy?

A: As someone who lives with chronic illness, keeping myself well is always a top-of-mind priority. Life feels more in flow when I weave in both rest and play and keep things simple with nourishing foods, walks outside, and spaciousness to do my work.

Q: Which foods are currently taking prime position in your kitchen pantry?

A: I recently started working with Zara of The Macro Muse to support my health journey, so my pantry is filled with beautiful macrobiotic foods like brown rice, beans, seaweed, and miso.

Q: What’s your works-every-single-time mood booster?

A: A long walk. Nothing shifts my mood quite like literally walking into my future. That and my feet in the sand and a jump in the ocean.

Q: The last thing you Googled?

A: When is the next full moon?

Q: Who — or what — can you count on to make you laugh?

A: My husband! He’s kept me laughing for 13 years. Also our sweet one-year-old puppy, Chloe. No matter the kind of day I’m having – she always puts a smile on my face.

Q: Is there a practice, item, or piece of wisdom you’ve kept from childhood that still holds meaning for you today?

A: The first thing that comes to mind is a book I picked up when I was around 10-years-old after one of my many afternoons spent at Barnes and Noble. It’s called Goddess In My Pocket: Simple Spells, Charms, Potions, and Chants To Get Everything You Want. I keep it on my bookshelf as a reminder that even before I had the words to describe it, I was connected to the magic that exists within all of us.

Q: When do you feel most beautiful?

A: Watching the sunset, all sun-kissed and salt-soaked after a long day at the beach.

Q: Are there any healers or teachers you have on speed dial?

A: I feel very lucky to have some of my closest friends be the greatest healers and teachers in my life. This includes Jasmin Jenkins, Ksenia Brief, and Monica Carota.

Q: What’s your preferred movement practice?

A: Walking and pilates!

Q: Do you have a dream floating in your orbit that’s not yet realized?

A: So many! One that I’ve recently said yes to is a long-held dream of creating a supportive community membership focused on my work with Akashic Records.

Q: How does THE FULLEST align with you and fit into your life?

A: I’m always so inspired by the love, thoughtfulness, and intention weaved into everything THE FULLEST creates, expanding your community into what is possible for themselves, and their lives.Hilary Pearlson is an Akashic Records reader, Intuitive Guide, and Founder of The Dreamerie. For over ten years, she has drawn on her own courageous health journey to fulfill her mission of helping you heal, shift, and transform into your truest self.


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