Healing with Coconut

Of all the fruits — coconut has to feel most like a vacation; there’s just something about it that evokes a sense of paradise and tropical pleasure. However, in recent years coconut has also become a wellness staple. About a decade ago, coconut burst onto the wellness scene — almost overnight. As the plant-based movement picked up speed, many looked for dairy alternatives and coconut answered their prayers providing them with a delicious creamer for their coffees and sauces for their curries. After realizing its electrolyte count, it also became a major player in our post-workout arsenal.Brilliantly versatile, we found ourselves collectively turning coconut into flakes, milks, powders, yogurts, and flours. Soon, we also cottoned on to its topical benefits and transformed it into nourishing balms from body lotions to shampoos. It even found its way into our aromatic self-care and became a signature scent in fragrances and candles.Although our love affair with coconut may have begun for more palatable reasons, it also made us feel good. There were no dairy scaries after eating a coconut-based ice cream and we’d never felt more hydrated. As it turned out along with its many purposes, there were many healing benefits to Mother Nature’s Swiss Army knife.

Coconut Lowers Blood Pressure

Research states that drinking coconut water has been demonstrated to significantly reduce blood pressure in hypertensive individuals. The reason is due to potassium, one of the electrolytes found in coconut water. The American Heart Association explains that potassium-rich foods minimize the effects of sodium on the body as well as take some of the pressure off the walls of the blood vessels — resulting in lower blood pressure.

Coconut Encourages Digestion

Another key component of coconut is fiber, an ingredient that can help with digestion by bulking up your stool and increasing the regularity of bowel movements. Make sure you’re adding coconut meat if you’re looking to use coconut to increase your fiber intake.

Coconut Keeps Blood Sugar Stable

Coconuts’ high-fiber content can also improve insulin resistance that can help stabilize blood sugar. Other research suggests that the relationship between coconuts’ low-sugar and high-fat content can create more equilibrium in blood sugar levels.

Coconut is Rich in Essential Minerals

As we mentioned, coconuts are full of potassium that can be great for blood pressure and heart health. Other powerful properties include magnesium (a mineral found in every cell of the body and used in over 600 biochemical functions) and phosphorus (the second most abundant mineral found in teeth and bones and a huge support to all of the B vitamins).

Coconut is Antibacterial and Antifungal

Early research is coming out indicating that coconut oil may block certain bacterial strains — such as staph and strep. One study found that swishing coconut oil after brushing teeth was as effective as a chemical disinfectant — and obviously far better for oral health and the mouth microbiome.

How to Add Coconut to Your Wellness Rx

Firstly, as coconut is so delicious and multifaceted it’s probably one of the easiest ingredients to bring into your self-care. One way we've been making sure we reap the benefits of coconut is by swapping our morning coffee for a Warm Feelings™ saffron latte. Not only is it made on a creamy coconut base it also has the magical benefits of saffron that are clinically proven to boost mood, soothe skin, and support immunity. If that calls to you — you can shop it here in sachet packs, glass jars, or larger bulk packs.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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