THE FULLEST Scopes: Eclipse Season Essentials

It’s May and we have found ourselves landing in the middle of an eclipse season. Last week on April 30th, we had the Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus. The next two weeks build up to the Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 16th.

Eclipses are like wild cards; they accelerate our lives in unexpected ways. We often rush to judge events or information at this time as good or bad, but life is ever unfolding.

What appears one way currently, can appear quite different with time, distance, and perspective. Adding to this sentiment, Mercury will be in Retrograde May 10th through June 3rd. Things may not go exactly as planned. Our minds and egos have a way of playing tricks. It’s wise to remember that, as always, Spirit knows what it’s doing.

May 16 Full Moon Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

This Partial Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio square karmic Saturn reveals our current container, the lessons revealing themselves through our relationships and entanglements, the situations and circumstances we find ourselves coming up against, again and again. The transformation available here begins inside, in releasing stale patterns and energy, we emerge renewed.

May 30th New Moon in Gemini

After a rather intense eclipse season, we’re greeted with some levity during this New Moon in Gemini. Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, will be Retrograde in Taurus and squaring karmic Saturn, grounding our thoughts and having us rethink the facts. Still, the energy is more social and more enterprising than it’s been, with expansive, lucky Jupiter newly in Aries conjunct Mars, planet of drive and motivation.

How To Support Yourself During Eclipse Season

For all signs, Warm Feelings™ saffron latte is the perfect balm for this active Eclipse season. This healing latte is an embodied reminder to ground in Taurus’ sensual learnings amidst all the change. The pure delight of a nourishing drink brings us to the present moment and grounds us in the here and now. Add it to your eclipse journaling practice and use it to ground and soothe before or after your new and full moon rituals.Shop Warm Feelings™ and our full saffron botanical line here.Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based in Nashville. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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