Healing with Vanilla

Vanilla is most commonly known for its starring role in your baked goods, desserts, and shakes but it’s much more than just a natural sweetener. Vanilla has numerous healing benefits and it’s all thanks to vanillin — a phenolic plant compound found in vanilla bean and extract. Most of the world’s vanilla is produced in Madagascar and is extracted from the pods of mature orchids. Recently vanilla prices have skyrocketed due to shortages and its intensive farming process.

Like many of nature’s most potent and beautiful bounties — vanilla is a lesson in patience and a reminder that good things take time.

Main Benefits of Vanilla:

Hormone Balancing and PMS Reliever

For thousands of years, vanilla has been used to balance hormones — in particular it has been associated with feel good hormones such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin and can help with mood imbalances during your cycle. It’s also great for libido.

Fights Infections with Antibacterial Properties

Vanilla has antimicrobial elements that can help your body to fight infections. In one test, researchers tested vanilla’s ability to inhibit staph and discovered that vanilla could in fact prevent the development of bacteria.

Calms the Brain and Can Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Along with its feel good hormones, vanilla also contains calcium. Although we often associate calcium to strong bones, it also helps to lower cortisol in the body, the stress hormone that causes anxiety.

Reduces Inflammation by Reducing Stress on the Body

Chronic inflammation is increasingly linked to disease and there are many foods that can help reduce inflammation markers in the body. Vanilla has been proven to be anti-inflammatory in a number of studies and also reduces stress on the body.

Lowers Blood Pressure and Relaxes the Body and Mind

Vanilla has a good dose of potassium; an essential mineral that is needed for healthy blood pressure. It works to regulate fluids in the body and supports cardiovascular function to help moderate blood pressure.

Bathe in Vanilla

Along with its internal healing elements, the scent of vanilla has also been shown to have an antidepressant and mood-lifting effect on our neurotransmitters and nervous system — making baths a powerful tool to get the aromatic and internal benefits of vanilla. If you’re looking for medicinal or restorative bath soaks that include vanilla — try our Exheal™ soothing saffron salt bath or our Inheal™ probiotic saffron milk bath.Please note that these healing benefits refer to high levels of quality vanilla or vanillin and not vanilla flavors.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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