THE FULLEST Scopes: Big Eclipse Energy

While April sees us through Aries Season and the start of Taurus (including the Solar Eclipse!), it’s Pisces, and the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (in Pisces and exact on April 12th) that will likely have the greatest effect on us this month and a reminder that we’re not quite out of the fog machine of this dreamy sign. However, Jupiter, planet of expansion and growth, meeting Neptune, planet of mysticism, will also ensure a magical month of faith and flow.

Key Dates for April 2022

The Aries New Moon on April 1st: Today’s month’s new moon brings some fire, and a burst of new energy, with Mercury, planet of communication, also in Aries. Aries’s ruler, Mars, planet of motivation and drive, is conjunct Saturn (maturity, responsibility) and Venus (relationships, money, and values). The focus and intent is strong here and principled and we’re more willing to begin again, but with greater clarity. This is a potent time to take the leap.The Libra Full Moon on April 16th: This month’s full moon is romantic, dreamy, and idealistic. We may be seeing the world (or others) through rose colored glasses, lost in creative flow, or longing to escape the mundane. Yet, the more we push our own agenda, the more frustrated we’re likely to be. Divine timing is the stronger play and holding onto the belief that things just have a way of working out.New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus on Sunday April 30th: Here we are again in Eclipse Season, this time the Sun and Moon are conjunct Uranus, further shaking up the status quo. The key? Be open. Lightning could strike. This lunation could be a wake up call and clarification as we humans are notoriously terrible at predicting our own happiness and what we actually need.

Saffron Rx to Support this Month

Aries: Soak in the Inheal™ probiotic saffron milk bath. This is your month. Your system deserves that extra nourishment, since you’re always on the go.Taurus: Mindful Immunity™ super protection syrup, since you may be feeling a bit more on edge with the incoming eclipse and Uranus’ continued transit through your sign.Gemini: Exheal™ soothing saffron salt bath to nourish and bring you back into your body. All this Pisces energy can be very ungrounding but also may lead to previously untapped reservoirs of creative flow.Cancer: Warm Feelings™ saffron latte because you’ll be caring for the people you love through this next month, but also elevated from Jupiter-Neptune conjunction supporting the water signs.Leo: Fully Committed Bundle. Aries energy blends well with yours. It’s that Eclipse at the end of the month that may knock you off your equilibrium a bit, but you’ve got so much creative energy, you’ll find your way through.Virgo: Inheal™ probiotic saffron milk bath because this Pisces energy can feel really disorienting.Libra: Beauty Bundle for this Venus ruled-sign with a Full Moon putting the spotlight on you.Scorpio: Warm Feelings™ saffron latte with the Piscean support but also to navigate the incoming Eclipses, which are likely to bring some further need for letting go and allowing.Sagittarius: On the Go Bundle. Like Gemini, you’re likely to feel ungrounded with all of this Pisces energy. This can help you nourish no matter where you are.Capricorn: Saffron Soaks Bundle because you’re still recovering from 2018-2020.Aquarius: Mindful Immunity™ super protection syrup as Saturn can make us feel exhausted and run down.Pisces: Strands of Sunshine™ saffron threads because there is a lot of energetic support coming your way.Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based in Nashville. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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