In this month’s THE FULLEST Faves, our Head of Product, Kylie Gaughan, takes over the reigns. As her job title suggests, Kylie is well versed in botanicals and holistic products and it’s no surprise to see some simple, practical, and natural items and modalities top her list. Kylie is also one of the most grounded people on our team and everything on her list has an element of accessibility and earthy simplicity — re: the magic of a daily walk or a DIY herbal infusion. Check it out below!

Herbal Infusions

Recently, I have been making herbal infusions and drinking them throughout the day. I love the taste and they make me feel so nourished. This is one I have been making recently:Assembly:


  1. Add all the ingredients to a 32oz mason jar and fill with hot water.
  2. Let steep for 4-10 minutes.
  3. Strain and add the honey.

You can drink it iced or warm it up again on the stove!Some benefits include regulating mood, balancing hormones, and improving skin health. You can use all different kinds of herbs, but I recently listened to one of Organic Olivia’s podcasts about rose medicine and became so inspired to include rose into my daily routine.

Slowdown Farmstead

Slowdown Farmstead has been in my orbit for awhile now and I love seeing how they run their farm in Canada. They practice with such a reverence for the animals and honoring ancestral practices of land stewardship. Tara writes so beautifully about life on their farm and her healing journey. I always look forward to getting her essays in my inbox.

Castor Oil Packs

Over at THE FULLEST, we have been formulating some new products with castor oil, so I have been experimenting with castor oil packs. In the past, I’d do them occasionally but it was always such a chore and messy. So, when I heard about a company called Queen of the Thrones, who makes the process so simple, I immediately bought one and have been using it nightly. You can feel a difference and I love that it isn’t messy and doesn’t require any heat. Some benefits of castor oil packs include stimulating the lymphatic system, improving liver function, and helping with digestion.

Daily Walks in the Sun

One of the best routines I developed during Covid-19 was walking everyday. It was born out of necessity as it was the main way in which I was seeing my friends — however, as things have gotten back to normal, I lost that routine and found myself missing it so much. Recently, I have been prioritizing daily walks whether with friends or with my dog. I try to do them when the sun is shining so I get the added benefit of vitamin D. It’s so simple but it truly changes my day.

Agnes Baddoo Market Sac

I was lucky enough to get a Market Sac for Christmas and it has become my everyday essential. With my job, I am often carrying herbs or oils from home to the office or taking boxes to the post office. I love how this bag helps me stay organized even if I need to schlep things. There is even a perfect compartment for me to bring my infusions to the office without worrying about spilling!

Pro-Metabolic Eating

I have been following a few accounts that teach about restoring hormone balance and metabolism with nutrition, like Noelle Kovary, Kori Meloy, and Jessica Ash for a while now. I have slowly been implementing some of their tips including eating within 30 min of waking up, incorporating organ meats like liver, having raw carrot salads daily, and consuming gelatin or collagen everyday.


Saffron Pistachio Oat Porridge Recipe


Benefits of Acupuncture