Have You Heard About Plum Oil? Meet One of Asia’s Most Coveted Beauty Fruits

You know those “what was life like before?” moments — this is one of them. Plum oil has flown under the radar in the West but it has long been revered in Asia for its crazy powerful skin benefits. Growing up on an organic and sustainable North Californian plum farm, the Taylor sisters realized its potent effects and created Le Prunier; an anti-aging, multi-purpose oil that balances, restores, and refreshes the skin. At THE FULLEST, we are always huge fans of single ingredient beauty products that harness the purest essence of nature and make beauty rituals so simple and effective. Le Prunier is no different; they've distilled this superfood down and extracted its nourishing vitamins and antioxidants, powerful polyphenols, and omega-6 and 9 fatty acids — meaning all we need to do is add a few drops to our skin, hair, and nails for effects we can visibly see.However, as the Taylor sisters launched Le Prunier, they have maintained their reverence and respect for organic and sustainable farming as their sourcing process aligns in integrity with the land. To learn more about their line, their process, and launching a business with your siblings, we sat down with one third of the dynamic trio — Allison Taylor — and got her inside info on all the plum things.

Q: Firstly, why plums? What is it about this fruit that makes it such a powerful beauty ingredient?

Dried plums are a superfruit! Most people don’t realize they have higher antioxidants than kale, blueberries, and spinach so when my sisters and I made this discovery during business trips with our father in Asia, we knew we needed to reexamine the main commodity on our family farm. Dried plums are packed with nourishing fatty acids, polyphenols, pro-Vitamin A and E. Our cold-pressed Plum Beauty Oil is 8x and 6x stronger than both marula and argan oil at defending against free radical damage — plus, it is a natural UV sunscreen booster!

Q: Plum oil seems to have flown under the beauty radar. How did you discover the plum’s beauty secrets?

We were raised on a 4th generation, 100-year-old family farm that operates as the world’s largest grower of organic dried plums, so we’ve learned nearly every aspect of the business from a very young age. While traveling with our father on business trips to Asia, we noticed how highly regarded the plum is as a superfruit which prompted us to spend several years testing with the help of two world renowned labs.

Q: Farming has been in your blood for generations — 104 years to be exact. Can you tell us a little bit about the way your heritage has found its way into Le Prunier?

Our heritage is extremely important to us! We simply wouldn’t be here today without the foundation the previous generations laid for us. Having said that, we wanted to approach the dried plum in an innovative way while maintaining the same sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices we were raised to believe in. Le Prunier was born from tradition but has grown over the years in an amazing way due to innovation. We’ve invested heavily in R&D, clinical studies, and pride ourselves on reinventing the plum by uncovering the hidden benefits of this all natural superfruit.

Q: What’s it like starting a business with your sisters? Are there any positive or negative sibling dynamics that you need to be mindful of?

It’s been a ride! Of course there are always challenges that come with any family business but at the end of the day, my sisters are my best friends. Establishing boundaries and making sure to turn work off is something we’re always working on. It’s very easy to let it consume you and it certainly did in the early years while we were working crazy hours trying to get things off the ground but I think we’ve found a nice rhythm now.

Q: Clean beauty has become a bit of a buzzword in the industry. How do you ensure that Le Prunier stays in integrity with our bodies and with the earth?

We work very closely with our labs to ensure all ingredients are always 100% vegan and clean — our products will never contain any animal-derived ingredients or by-products. The integrity of our ingredients is highly important to us because much of what we put on our skin is absorbed into the body. In addition, we ensure our ingredients are as sustainably sourced and eco-friendly as possible. Our family farm has been certified USDA organic since 1985 and we’ve been completely solar power operated for the past 15 years. We use a revolutionary waste water filtration system called BioFiltro, along with a cover crop program to promote soil biodiversity. Our herd of goats eat the cover crops helping to keep them down after harvest rather than relying on heavy machinery. We’re always looking for ways to improve and make sure to protect our source, first and foremost.

Q: Okay, so how is plum oil made? And, how do we best use it?

It really starts first with the time-honored tradition of organic farming in our family. We grow, harvest, and press everything in-house on our family farm which allows us to oversee the entire lifecycle of our ingredients to guarantee the highest quality. Our cult-favorite Plum Beauty Oil is then made by using a proprietary extraction method to cold-press the plum pits. We always recommend applying a few drops morning and night after cleansing to help protect and nourish your skin throughout the day. It acts as an amazing primer under makeup to help add a beautiful glow. In the evenings, we recommend using it as the last step in your routine to seal in moisture. It’s very multi-functional and gentle enough for all skin types, especially sensitive skin conditions such as eczema or rosacea. Our newest award-winning launch, Plumscreen® SPF 31 pairs wonderfully with the oil underneath makeup. I’m obsessed!

Q: What are some of the beauty practices and rituals that you use to nourish yourselves and your skin?

I’m very simple with my self-care routine. I think the best thing you can do for yourself is get plenty of sleep, exercise, and eat healthy, fresh foods. I feel like people get so lost in the latest trends and diets — there’s so much advice these days (especially on social media) but when you really break it down, it’s fairly simple. Nothing makes me feel more revitalized and glowy than a great yoga session or a walk on the beach with my pup. I’ve also recently given up coffee which has been amazing for my stress levels.

Q: What’s the best piece of beauty advice you’ve been given?

Always wash your face at night to remove makeup — no matter what! Also, find a great eye cream.Allison Taylor is one of three sisters who collectively founded Le Prunier, an organic beauty line based on The Power of Plum™. Le Prunier is built from an ancestral legacy that began in 1916 by their great grandfather who farmed the rich soils of Northern California, laying the seeds for four generations of family-operated farming. The Taylor sisters reexamined the skincare benefits of the farm’s main commodity and partnered with two world-renowned beauty labs. Handcrafted, Le Prunier is a most precious and powerful oil for the face, body, and beyond. Today, the sisters carry on the farm’s legacy with a 4th generation perspective — tradition meets innovation.




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