Healing with Turmeric

Turmeric has been the poster spice for wellness since wellness became an “industry” — and with good reason. Actually, with a ton of good reasons. Turmeric heals a host of ailments and is actually quite nuanced. We like to think of it as the Swiss Army knife of supplements because its benefits range from the commonly known lowering inflammation to the surprising, helps wounds heal faster. If you find yourself in any kind of poor health pickle, turmeric can probably assist you in some form or another. Use turmeric to…

Lower Inflammation

You’ll find turmeric topping most “Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods” Lists, which is due to its high volume of curcumin. Specifically, it’s been shown to reduce inflammation related to arthritis, diabetes, and other diseases.

Neutralize Free Radicals

The term “neutralize free radicals” always sounds intense to us — and a bit like it’s a line out of a Star Wars movie. However, its scientific definition is actually pretty powerful and also kind of beautiful. Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells, causing illness and aging. For turmeric to “neutralize a free radical,” it’s basically giving up some of its own electrons. In making this sacrifice, it acts as a natural "off" switch for the free radicals. This helps break a chain reaction that can affect other molecules in the cell and other cells in the body.

Relieves Headaches

Step away from the Tylenol. If you have a headache — even one that begins with a big M — then this is nature’s alternative to over the counter medication. In 2017, migraine researchers found that one of the key causes of migraines is inflammation — and that turmeric can help reduce inflammation in the body. That’s another reason why we formulated our Kinder Thoughts™ Saffron Capsules, combining the benefits of saffron and turmeric in one capsule to bring you the only over the counter medicine you need to combat even the toughest of migraines.

Enhances Respiratory Health

Of all the commonly touted benefits of turmeric in the wellness industry, this was one that was the most new to us. We’d heard about its anti-inflammatory properties and mood-boosting effects but to learn of curcumin’s ability to attenuate lung injury and fibrosis caused by radiation, chemotherapeutic drugs, and toxicants, was a bit of a revelation. According to one study, current medical pharmaceuticals are not as effective as they need to be for acute lung conditions and preliminary studies are showing promising results for curcumin as an alternative.

Helps Wounds Heal Faster

Perhaps you’ve heard that turmeric can give your skin a natural glow? But did you know that it can also lower the response of your body to cutaneous wounds? Meaning if you have a cut, turmeric can actually help wounds heal by decreasing inflammation and oxidation.

Supports Mental Health

Curcumin, the bioactive compound found in turmeric that we keep mentioning, boosts both serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain. Research also suggests that it can be more effective than Prozac. Nature for the mental health win.

Improves Brain Function

In a placebo versus curcumin study performed at the Longevity Center at the University of Southern California, patients that took curcumin demonstrated a 28 percent improvement in memory tests over the course of the study, while those who took the placebo showed no significant memory improvements. It’s also been shown to help patients with Alzheimer’s and those that have precursors to the degenerative cognitive disease.As we said, turmeric can help with basically anything and everything from a headache during cold and flu season to cutting your finger on a kitchen knife. Although, it’s turmeric’s ability to help with general brain fog, depression, and anxiety that saw it make its way into our Kinder Thoughts™ Saffron Capsules. In conjunction with a clinically prescribed dose of saffron, we formulated these capsules to provide a natural mood booster that enhances serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain naturally. You can learn more about them in THE FULLEST Shop.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

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