THE FULLEST Scopes: Eclipse Portals

December brings with it the quest for truth. The past 18 months have found us in constant dialogue about the power of the word. What story are we living and how are we framing it? Language, after all, shapes our reality. As we close out these Gemini-Sagittarius Eclipses, which began on June 5th, 2020 and complete December 4th, 2021, we’re likely finding ourselves somewhere very different than we began. The Solar Eclipse on the 4th is a bright, expansive new beginning. There is certainly a possibility of ideological righteousness with Jupiter involved.

The most advantageous play is open mindedness and soul-centered perspective. Sagittarius is interested in growth. What seeds need planting? Where are we intending to take flight?

The Full Moon in Gemini, two weeks later, on the 18th, continues the conversation. Gemini is the networker. Curious and adaptable, this energy invites us to consider multiple angles. There’s always more to learn and more to know. Can we allow for such variety in a current media climate committed to fostering division? Neptune may bring confusion or fog into the mix. Gaslighting, too. Discernment is key, as overwhelm is possible. Mercury in earthy, grounded Capricorn helps us to ground. And Venus, in Capricorn, turns Retrograde the next day until January 29th. We’re going to be re-evaluating our values, relationships, and financial strategies for the next six weeks.The end of the month, on Christmas Eve, we experience the third and final exact Saturn-Uranus Square, which has been with us all year, since February 17th. If we’re reaching our limit, it’s time to update and innovate our strategy. This signature demands change.

As we close out the year, let us ask ourselves what 2021 has taught us about ourselves and the world. It’s easy to descend into despair, but there is so much goodness, so much love to be found, no matter the default narrative.

Whatever we’re seeking, it’s seeking us. We have more power and agency than we realize. What is that we’re feeding? What are we leaving behind in 2021? What are we bringing in in 2022?Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based between New York, Los Angeles, and New Zealand. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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