THE FULLEST Scopes November: Time to Transmute

Transmutation: the action of changing or the state of being changed into another form. The past twenty months have felt, to some, like non-stop change. And to others, as if no change is occurring at all. The question is whether we’ve changed.

Who we are now is not who we were. We are ever evolving, our identities continually unfolding.

Scorpio moves inwards, seducing and magnetizing through its mysterious, complex nature. This energy cannot be figured out. It defies analysis. It must be felt, known. We begin the month deep in this Scorpio crucible, coming up against the world and its demands, finding our core in the process. We end the month between eclipses and in Sagittarius season’s fiery pursuit of experience. It’s a wild time. It’s going to get wilder. November reminds us we aren’t separate from the cosmos, we are them incarnate. It’s a month for integrating, for healing, for acknowledging loss and creating space for what’s to come, for, ultimately, acknowledging our soul curriculum. Notice where we’re seeking more information, when we really just need to tap into our intuition.

Some ideas:

  • Do some shadow work. For more, look at To Be Magnetic and Debbie Ford
  • Participate in a cleansing or healing ritual
  • Read Sacred Contracts by Carolyn Myss
  • Learn about tantra, engage in sacred sexual practices with yourself or another
  • Take financial inventory and explore your relationship to money

The Scorpio New Moon on November 4th is the wake up call. We’re restless. Or someone close to us is. Something needs to give. We’ve outgrown stale dynamics, realizing that who we are is not who we were. New Moons are times of new beginnings, birthing intentions. We’re shedding skin. We’re facing the dark edges of our psyche, navigating the discomfort, and awakening to something raw and potent. Scorpio isn’t interested in veneer. It needs more. And if it’s not getting it, it’s gone. In other words, it’s asking: am I getting a return on my investment? The clarity is swift here, the fallout perhaps not so much. But the seeds have been planted, the gears set in motion.The Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19th lands us in new territory, taking inventory of our surroundings. Taurus is solid, determined, stubborn, and attached. We’re taking on a new form, anchoring in what we can see, feel, touch, taste, hear. Expansion comes, not necessarily from acquisition, but from presence. Connecting to the tactile and landing exactly where we are, nourishing ourselves and our bodies through stabilizing, grounding practices. What is it, in this world, we ask ourselves that we truly possess? What is it that we own?Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based between New York, Los Angeles, and New Zealand. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.Photo by @johnpawson.


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