THE FULLEST Scopes October: The Cosmos’ Version of Balance

We have a lot happening this month. After months of heavy retrogrades, we’ll experience significant shifts forward ahead of November, which will be quite eventful and newsworthy. Still, October begins on a deep and somber note, sobering our minds and emotions to equal effect.Libra Season has us seeking balance and equilibrium. That being said, we’ve had six planets in Retrograde (Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) since Mercury changed directions on September 27th. The good news: things begin to shift on the New Moon in Libra on October 6th. That same day, Pluto stations Direct and we begin a month of forward progression. This New Moon asks us to find harmony in our communications by digging beneath the surface.

The next day, on the 7th, Venus, planet of love, values, and money moves into Sagittarius and our desire for adventure, philosophical musings and exploration is buoyed. We’re feeling a bit more optimistic and willing to risk a bit more.

On the 9th, we highlight our need to review the nature of our dialogue. Are we seeking common ground or attached to binary thinking? This is an opportunity to bridge the gap. If it feels too far gone to imagine, at least this moment in time, that such possibility exists in the collective, we still make strides in our relationships, which will over time yield results on the wider stage. Our one-on-one connections are the glue. Without them, we lose sight of what it means to be human.Mid-month, remember to start working with the shadow, not against it. And once both Mercury and Jupiter are Direct on the 18th (hallelujah!), we advance our plans. We’ll be covering some old ground, but this time the energy is supporting our forward motion. On the 20th, we have the Full Moon in Aries and coming off all the reviews of previous months, are feeling ready for a new challenge.

We may be feeling particularly feisty. A good time to motivate and take the leap and integrate the shadow. In the end, everything is a choice. Are we sabotaging our own happiness?

As Elizabeth Gilbert says, “Happiness is a consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.”On the days following the Full Moon, we dive into our psyche and its still waters. We may feel a bit romantic and idealistic on the 26th. A good day to tap into the imaginative and unseen realm, though discernment is needed as we can get lost in the clouds. As we close out the month we may realize we are unsatisfied with surface experiences. We want more and we’re willing to invest our time and resources to achieve the depth we’re after.

Key Dates:

  • October 1st: Mercury Rx* square Pluto Rx* + Moon in Leo opposite Saturn Rx* in Aquarius
  • October 6th: New Moon in Libra + Pluto Direct in Capricorn
  • October 7th: Venus Enters Sagittarius
  • October 9th: Sun conjunct Mercury Rx*
  • October 10th: Saturn Direct in Aquarius
  • October 17th: Sun square Pluto
  • October 18th: Mercury in Libra Stations Direct + Jupiter Direct in Aquarius
  • October 20th: Full Moon in Aries
  • October 22nd: Sun Enters Scorpio
  • October 26th: Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune Rx* in Pisces
  • October 30th: Mars Enters Scorpio

*RX = retrograde Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based between New York, Los Angeles, and New Zealand. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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