THE FULLEST Scopes — Cosmic Self-Service Month

Key Dates:

  • September 6: New Moon in Virgo
  • September 10: Venus Enters Scorpio
  • September 13: First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius
  • September 14: Mars Enters Libra + Sun Opposite Neptune
  • September 17: Venus Square Saturn
  • September 20: Full Moon in Pisces
  • September 22: Sun Enters Libra + Mercury Square Pluto
  • September 23: Venus Opposite Uranus
  • September 27: Mercury Rx
  • September 29: Last Quarter Moon in Cancer

In comparison to August, September is more subdued, though in some ways the atmosphere is a continuation of the previous month, though less frenetic, and less aggressive overall. What we have available to us, instead, is a period of grounding and recentering, focusing less on the outer world and more on our daily lives, the rituals that we invest in.

Virgo is known for its habits and its efficiency and for its focus on service. The New Moon in Virgo, on the 6th, would be an excellent day to set very clear intentions in this regard.

The Sun and Moon will be conjunct in the sign opposite Neptune in Pisces, which creates an ethereal, poetic atmosphere. This opposition will carry itself through the second week of September and may mimic some of the fog of late August, when Mercury and Mars were opposing Neptune and leaving many in a suspended, floating reality.On the 10th, Venus enters Scorpio, where it will remain until October 7th, lending our financial and love lives more depth, mystery, and magnetism. Venus in Scorpio can live in extremes. All or nothing. This can be challenging for some who take a more lighthearted approach to things, but it’s incredibly useful in transmuting the old into new. A few days later, on the 14th, Mars enters Libra, where it will remain until October 30th, increasing our motivation to get along and to partner. Mars is in its fall in Libra; it’s not the most comfortable place for Mars’ assertiveness. Libra would prefer to make nice. That being said, diplomacy is the way forward, utilizing Mars’ action oriented initiative towards Libra friendly mediation. On that same day, the Sun exacts its opposition to Neptune, after which any lingering opaqueness or confusion should begin to subside.On the 17th, Venus in Scorpio squares Saturn in Aquarius Retrograde and moves closer to its opposition to Uranus in Taurus, re-activating the Saturn Uranus Square, and kicking up some material in the love and money realms. We’re well-acquainted with this transit by now, which first peaked back in February, so, while I would expect some material to surface, I don’t think it will be anything radically new. Likely more of the culture clashes we’ve witnessed this year, playing out both here in America and across the globe. On a personal note, liberation, in thought and deed, remains a true possibility.

On the 20th, we have our Full Moon in Pisces, where the Moon will join forces with Neptune, granting us a mystical, dreamy, and romantic lunar event. This is a beautiful lunation to connect with the divine and faith in general, opening up to the spiritual realm in service to healing. A wise invitation into the surrendered perspective and attuning to the cosmos.

A couple days later, on the 22nd, we begin Libra Season as the Sun enters the sign of partnership and joins Mercury, which will square Pluto, adding whole layers of complexity to our thoughts and communications. Mercury/Pluto is anything but surface. Couple that with Venus in Scorpio perfecting its opposition to Uranus the next day, on the 23rd, we’re looking at a significant few days of revelation. What’s been buried is likely to rise. This actually is the perfect entrée to the 27th, when Mercury goes Retrograde in Libra until October 18th. Whatever came forward with Venus’ transits through the month, will be revisited and reconsidered through the Retrograde in preparation for October’s direct motion of Jupiter. Saturn and Pluto and the structural advancements we’ve been waiting for. I recommend taking this month — especially the first three weeks — to return to the Self and to health and well being, to declutter the body, mind, and spirit. The simpler the better. Such is the Virgo way :)Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based between New York, Los Angeles, and New Zealand. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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