THE FULLEST Scopes: Potential Breakthroughs Abound

  • July 3rd: Mars in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus
  • July 6th: Venus Opposite Saturn + Neptune Square Mercury
  • July 7th: Mercury passed its Shadow
  • July 8th: Venus Square Uranus
  • July 9th: New Moon in Cancer
  • July 11th: Mercury Enters Cancer
  • July 13th: Venus Conjuncts Mars in Leo
  • July 15th: Chiron Retrograde
  • July 17th: First Quarter Moon in Libra + Sun in Cancer Opposite Pluto in Capricorn
  • July 21nd: Venus Enters Virgo
  • July 22nd: Sun Enters Leo + Venus in Virgo Opposite Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces
  • July 23rd: Full Moon in Aquarius
  • July 27th: Mercury Enters Leo
  • July 28th: Mars Opposite Jupiter + Jupiter Retrograde Re-enters Aquarius
  • July 29th: Mars Enters Virgo
  • July 31st: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus

This summer things heat up once again, as the Saturn Uranus Square, which is with us through this year and in fall of 2022 is activated by a cascade of Leo energy. What does this mean? In short, more change. More intensity. More push and pull. But not for the whole month. We get a bit of reprieve halfway through.Saturn takes 28.5 years to travel the Zodiac and is currently making its way through principled, ideological, innovative Aquarius, providing us all with ample lessons in regards to collective consciousness, identity, and group think. Uranus, planet of rebellion and change, takes 84 years and is currently transiting determined, rooted Taurus. These two bodies are squaring off, creating friction and forcing new solutions. Leo, like Aquarius, which it opposes, and Taurus, which it squares, is also a fixed sign. Its involvement here creates what is called a T Square, furthering the tension. In short, the next six weeks are bound to be significant, as Mars, then Venus, early this month and then Mercury and the Sun early next month involve themselves in this configuration.Why am I mentioning this during Cancer Season? Well, we start July with Mars, planet of assertion, tactics and drive, and Venus, planet of values, love, and money, both in Leo. We may experience frustration or a go-around regarding our desires and plans. And due to the nature of these signs, we may find ourselves up against our and others’ egos.

Passions may ignite. Tempers may flare. But so might an awakening that liberates and transforms.

Having studied and consciously lived astrological transits for more than 20 years, I have found that our predictions of how these things play out are rarely accurate. To be awake is to be fully present to that which is trying to break through. The aha moments. The golden nuggets.The first week of July also brings the reactivation of the Mercury Neptune Square which has been with us since late May, obfuscating and confusing many. July 7th, Mercury leaves its Shadow. This is a bit of a hallelujah moment, as the fog lifts and communications gain traction and forward momentum.All of this and the Sun is still in Cancer, leading us to July 9th, which sees the New Moon (in Cancer) supported by mystical Neptune and opposing power-player Pluto. It’s a good day to set intentions regarding our closest relationships and how we relate to and experience attachment. What and who is it that makes us feel secure? What and who nourishes our spirit?There is a bit of a respite come mid July, when Venus and Mars move past the T square degrees. This is a week to take action, coming off of the New Moon. Mercury joins the Sun in Cancer after a long stint in curious, changeable Gemini. And Venus and Mars meet up at the late degree of Leo.

Our thinking may be more intuitive and felt and our desires and our motives align. Not a bad thing at all.

The third week of July sees more movement than the previous week but not nearly as much tension as the first. On the 21st, Venus enters discerning, service-oriented Virgo, increasing our organizational impulses. On the 22nd, the Sun enters creative Leo and on the 23rd, we see the first of two consecutive Full Moons in Aquarius, neither of which activates the Saturn Uranus Square mentioned above. This particular Full Moon can further our understanding of the powers at play, with the Moon loosely conjunct Pluto. Clarity is possible. And on the 29th, Mars joins Venus in Virgo, granting us more Earth energy to ground.It’s a vital month, one likely to spark, but the intensity is not sustained throughout. We move from the emotional currents of Cancer Season and the remnants of haze to the creative spirit of Leo. From that which makes us feel secure, comes inspiration, brilliance and, yes, a dash of drama.Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based between New York, Los Angeles, and New Zealand. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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