In My Orbit with Patrick Kelly

Perfumer, Patrick Kelly, joins us for In My Orbit. He is the founder and creator of Sigil, a line of long-wearing, complex, and 100% natural fine fragrances that are inspired by ancient and esoteric traditions. Let’s just say, from their scents to their poetic descriptions, there’s just something mystical about Sigil. Turns out, there’s also something a little mystical about Patrick but there’s also a lot of groundedness and deep gratitude for community, work, and earthy delights including but not limited to olive oil and the head-clearing power of a long run. Read on for more alchemical insights.

Q. This is obviously a moving target — but what’s your current wellness philosophy?

I’m at a time in my life where things are more unstructured than ever before. Business and personal activities are blended, making it trickier to have defined barriers and rigorous standards for what health and wellness look like. I’m learning that it’s all about balance. Finding the time, anytime, to take care of myself means looking for small ways to unplug. Sometimes (at best) that might mean taking a mid-day, five hour hike. Other days, it might mean skipping the coffee when I’m already feeling anxious. Small, iterative, self-aware, and other-aware choices add up to a greater sense of wellbeing and a diminished sense of anxiety.

Which foods are currently taking prime position in your kitchen pantry?

Sunflower seed butter. Popcorn. Olive oil. Lemons. Heaps of greens.

What’s your works-every-single-time mood booster?

A quick walk around the block is helpful to get some sun on the skin, reset the circadian rhythm, and center.

The last thing you Googled?

“How to talk about your pronouns with family and friends”

Who — or what — can you count on to make you laugh?

My friend Michael knows how to anchor me back in reality with a hug and a joke.

Is there a practice, item, or piece of wisdom you’ve kept from childhood that still holds meaning for you today?

My childhood taught me to be relentlessly hardworking. As much as that has benefited me in my career, too much grittiness has its own shadow side. I’m learning to be softer, to accept help, to take pause in life, and to gently break down these age-old walls — to trust others, be vulnerable, and accept love.

When do you feel most beautiful?

After a Pilates class, or after a beach day — sandy, salty, and glowing.

Are there any healers or teachers you have on speed dial?

Alexis Smart and Rachel Saunders are dear friends, wise teachers, and expanders for me.

What’s your preferred movement practice?

I fluctuate between brisk walks, long runs, Pilates, yoga, and the gym.

Do you have a dream floating in your orbit that’s not yet realized?

Expand to new categories in the next year (it’s happening). An all-queer board.

How does THE FULLEST align with you and fit into your life?

THE FULLEST's holistic approach to internal wellbeing. The way you call in expertise from our community, curated, and made digestible to a wide audience, is something Sigil aspires to also do with its peers and customers.Patrick is the self-taught perfumer and founder of Sigil, a fragrance and beauty brand. Drawing from a decade and a half of industry experience, and his background in film and philosophy, Patrick helps Sigil build products and experiences that are ethereal and rich in story, yet born of the physical earth. You can follow him and Sigil on IG here and here.


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