“We often hesitate to follow our intuition out of fear. Most usually, we are afraid of the changes in our own life that our actions will bring. Intuitive guidance, however, is all about change. It is energetic data ripe with the potential to influence the rest of the world. To fear change but to crave intuitive clarity is like fearing the cold, dark night while pouring water on the fire that lights your cave. An insight the size of a mustard seed is powerful enough to bring down a mountain-sized illusion that may be holding our lives together. Truth strikes without mercy. We fear our intuitions because we fear the transformational power within our revelations.” — Caroline Myss

  • June 2nd: Venus Enters Cancer + Last Quarter Moon in Pisces
  • June 5th: Mercury Retrograde Square Neptune
  • June 10th: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini
  • June 11th: Mars Enters Leo
  • June 14th: Saturn Square Uranus
  • June 17th: First Quarter Moon in Virgo
  • June 20th: Jupiter Retrograde + Sun Enters Cancer
  • June 22nd: Mercury Direct
  • June 24th: Full Moon in Capricorn
  • June 25th: Neptune Retrograde
  • June 27th: Venus Enters Leo

June is wild. Mercury Retrograde. An Eclipse. The Saturn-Uranus Square. It is, no doubt, a month to watch. We enter the month fully immersed in Eclipse Season. Just last month, on May 26th, we had the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, awakening us to a higher perspective.

Eclipses occur every 6 months. They’re astrological wild cards, accelerating and changing our lives in ways both big and small.

Not every eclipse will affect us intimately. It depends on our personal astrology and  our natal charts, but a good general rule of thumb is to look back to the previous eclipses in this series which occurred on June 5th, November 30th, and December 14th of 2020. Further back, we can look to 2001-2002, as eclipses run on 19 year cycles. We may notice similar themes arising now as did then. The deeper questions that are emerging at this time speak to the very essence of our soul path. Are we willing to listen to its call, even if we’re not sure where it’s leading us? Are we willing to choose love over fear, growth over stagnation?June 2nd, Venus, planet of love, money, and values, entered the emotional, nurturing sign of Cancer. We craved the familiar, that which makes us feel safe and connected. On June 5th, Mercury Retrograde squares Neptune, confusing communications of all kinds. This is not a day to bank on clarity. We may dream things up or down, or feel a bit spacey or ungrounded. This leads us into the wild Solar Eclipse in Gemini which carries this same energy. What’s real, we may ask ourselves? Are we open to new ways of processing, thinking and communicating?The following day, on June 11th, Mars, the planet of drive and motivation, enters passionate, proud Leo. There is a spark here as we head into the second of the three Saturn-Uranus Squares, which we first experienced back in February.

We are being cornered into radical change, upgrading our consciousness to meet this unprecedented moment. This, coupled with the eclipse, almost ensures that by July we will find ourselves in a very different state, energetically and emotionally. We must be willing to see things through a new lens, to look at our mindsets, how they shape our reality, and adjust accordingly if we are to truly self-actualize.

The second half of the month is the integration period. The Sun joins Venus in Cancer on June 20th, the same day expansive Jupiter stations Retrograde in Pisces. Two days later, Mercury stations Direct, retracing its steps until July 7th, when it will leave the shadow zone. Two days after that, we have the Full Moon in pragmatic, responsible Capricorn, bringing our focus to our long term goals, the structures in our lives. And on the 27th, Venus makes its way into theatrical Leo, joining Mars, warming the hearth and activating our creative potential.Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based between New York, Los Angeles, and New Zealand. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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