THE FULLEST Scopes: The Cosmos Want You to Ground

May Horoscopes


  • May 3: Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius and Mercury moves into Gemini and Sun Square Saturn
  • May 8: Venus enters Gemini
  • May 11: New Moon in Taurus
  • May 13: Jupiter Enters Pisces
  • May 19: First Quarter Moon in Leo
  • May 20: Sun enters Gemini
  • May 23: Saturn Retrograde
  • May 26th: Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
  • May 29th: Mercury Retrograde in Gemini (until June 22)

May begins with a heavy emphasis in Taurus, with the Sun, Mercury, planet of thought and communication and Venus, planet of love, values, and money in the sign. Each of these celestial bodies is past their conjunction to change-maker Uranus now, giving us a brief respite before the winds of change activate later in the month.At the start of the month, we’re coming off the Full Moon in Scorpio, which occurred late on April 26th. That transformative and profound lunation may have left many with a bit of an emotional hangover, so it’s a relief to feel the earthiness and groundedness of Taurus. It’s a moment to stabilize.

Taurus reminds us to slow down the pace, to smell the roses, feel the tea wrap around our tongue, feel the oil on our skin, taste the peach’s sweetness. It’s fully alive to the physical world and its sensual delights.

Come the 3rd, we have the crisis point between the Scorpio Full Moon and Taurus New Moon with the Sun forming a Square to Saturn. This day may give us pause as we wrestle with limitations and blocks. But this is short lived. This day also sees Mercury move into its home sign of Gemini, peaking our curiosity and helping us all to elevate our post-lockdown conversational skills. Gemini is lighthearted and nimble. Here, the energy is wonderfully witty and engaged.On May 8th, Venus moves into Gemini, increasing our desire for interesting people and situations and further lightening the mood. The shifts we feel now are of the everyday variety. Less monumental and groundbreaking.May 11th we have a rooted New Moon in Taurus, inviting us to plant seeds, to invest our time and resources wisely, and to relish in the beauty available to us. Taurus’ ruler, Venus, being newly in Gemini conjunct Mercury also adds some much needed playfulness into the mix.On May 13th, Jupiter the planet of expansion and luck leaves Aquarius for Pisces (though it will Retrograde on June 20th before finding its way back to Aquarius on July 28th). Jupiter is exceptionally well placed in ethereal Pisces. Spiritual attunement is heightened here. Expansion via compassion, poetry, art, and music is indicated.May 19th sees a First Quarter Moon in Leo, the halfway point between the Taurus New Moon and the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse. The following day, on the 20th, the Sun moves into Gemini, officially putting us in Gemini Season. On May 23rd, Saturn Stations Retrograde, offering us a period of revision and review of the structures of our lives.May 26th lands us at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius and in Eclipse Season and a very active mid-late spring (autumn in the Southern Hemisphere).

Eclipses unfold like dominos and occur in 19 year cycles. So first, think back to June 5th, November 30th, and December 14th of last year. Did anything of note occur? What new worldview or philosophy is unveiling itself?

This is the next chapter in this unfolding story, with similar themes we may have experienced in late 2001-2002. It’s been a wild couple of years. Our mindsets are undergoing an upgrade of sorts, just as they did in 2001-2002. Where do we find meaning and purpose? What guides us? What does Truth and Wisdom and Storytelling mean to us? A few days later, on the 29th, Mercury goes Retrograde in Gemini and we’ll be rethinking a whole lot, especially as we process the Lunar Eclipse. Things are bound to be interesting!Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based between New York, Los Angeles, and New Zealand. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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