Kim Konte on Non-Toxic Neighborhoods

Our neighborhoods are an extension of our homes -- and yet, we can often feel that we have no ownership of the public spaces that we and our children live and play in. Today’s guest breaks down for us the truth about the pollutants and chemicals that are more than likely in your local area.Kim Konte is the founder of the national non-profit Non-Toxic Neighborhoods. Kim has assisted over 200 cities, counties, and school districts to ban glyphosate and take organic and regenerative land management policies and legislation online. Through Kim and her team’s work, we learn that it is possible to have beautiful parks, athletic fields, and open spaces without the use of harmful and synthetic pesticides.In this episode, Kim explains the simple ways we can exercise our personal advocacy and make real change from the ground up. We also discuss that our children deserve the basic human right to be protected from harmful and synthetic pesticides where they live, learn, and play.If you try to live clean and detoxify your house and body but feel hamstrung by bureaucracy or governmental restrictions outside of your home, this one is definitely for you. And if after today’s episode, you feel passionate about banning pesticides in your community, Non-Toxic Neighborhoods is offering The FULLEST listeners free access to their webinar, where they will walk you through their unique process that will help you begin the journey of transitioning your local shared spaces from toxic to organic and regenerative.Take the lead and ban harmful pesticides in your community (we will work with you every step of the way). Sign up for our next webinar.This week’s episode is sponsored by Prima. Get 20% off your order when you use code "THEFULLEST". [itunes_spotify_urls itunes="" spotify=""]

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