The Founder of Wonder Valley Shares Her Favorite Wellness-y Things

This week, Alison Carroll, the co-founder of olive oil brand, Wonder Valley, shares the things orbiting her world. If you’re familiar with the brand — you know Wonder Valley isn’t just an olive oil brand, they’re an exquisite olive oil brand. They’ve managed to hit a gorgeous sweet spot with their products; simultaneously blending high-quality kitchen staples with high-end natural beauty essentials, and have managed to merge a sun-kissed desert aesthetic with Greek goddess-inspired packaging.No surprises that olive oil makes Alison’s list. You’ll also find her thoughts on personal discernment and the beauty of post-ocean feels. Plus, for all those fast-paced entrepreneurial types, Allison shares her top practices for slowing down including yin yoga, walking, and a little green.

Q. This is obviously a moving target — but what’s your current wellness philosophy?

There is wisdom in me. For me, this means less seeking answers from outside sources on my diet, my exercise needs, my beauty routines, and tapping more into intuition. I know what foods my body wants, I know that room temperature water is best for me, I know that I’m a much happier person if I start my day with some intentional time offline before diving into my to-do’s, and I pay very close attention to what my skin is telling me. I believe that the skin is our dashboard; telling us when we are dehydrated, overstressed, having nutrient deficiencies, overburdening it with too much product, drinking too much, or having poor sleep. I really pay attention to these signals rather than try to just tackle these topical issues. That’s always been my belief system in creating our Wonder Valley skincare line. At its core, it exists to provide universally beneficial, clean but high-performing formulations that are also rooted around the simplistic but very pleasurable daily rituals of caring for our skin and body.

Which foods are currently taking prime position in your kitchen pantry?

OLIVE OIL! Ha, but really. It’s the shot in the morning, the panacea to dry desert skin, the life-giver to my lunches, the backbone of my salads. It’s as essential as salt in this household.I also use a lot of dried seaweed that we foraged in Maine. It’s excellent thyroid support with its natural iodine and a great detoxifier. Plus, I like the flavor.Always, always a ton of lemons and citrus on hand: Meyers, eureka, and usually a vial of yuzu juice for condiments and cocktails.

What’s your works-every-single-time mood booster?

Time offline in nature, in water, or with friends — ideally, all of the above (and a little bit of weed).

The last thing you Googled?

Annual rainfall of the Mojave Desert.

Who — or what — can you count on to make you laugh?

My sister, Claire!

Is there a practice, item, or piece of wisdom you’ve kept from childhood that still holds meaning for you today?

The practice of evening baths or hot showers to decompress at the end of the day. I have been doing that since I was a little girl. I really liked the way it sets me up for sleeping. And I live for that long pause between bathing and getting dressed, I’m a leisurely robe-wearer.

When do you feel most beautiful?

When I’m a little bit tan, and freshly out of the ocean.

Are there any healers or teachers you have on speed dial?

Oh yes, but sorry, I keep a tight lid on my support system! But there’s a life coach, acupuncturist, herbalist, holistic doctor…

What’s your preferred movement practice?

I’m learning I have a lot of yang energy going on, which I think makes me a good business owner. But I’ve found that the best type of movement for me is more yin, restorative things — walking, qi gong, yoga.

Do you have a dream floating in your orbit that’s not yet realized?

Of course, I do! But, I also am a big believer in letting things stay internal and having the discernment of when it’s time to reveal and share and when it’s time to let things still grow.

How does THE FULLEST align with you and fit into your life?

I love the podcasts and the wellness community around THE FULLEST!Alison Carroll is the co-founder of Wonder Valley, a producer of an extra virgin Californian olive oil. Wonder Valley celebrates the timeless holistic benefits of olive oil as a superfood and an antioxidant-rich beauty ingredient. Alison runs Wonder Valley with her husband, Jay, from the high desert of Joshua Tree. She also splits her time between desert life and a small island in Maine. Separately Alison has a clothing line called AL’S BIG DEAL producing California-made, cotton, unisex jumpsuits. Follow her @alaalison and @wondervalley.


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