A Gentle but Powerful Cleanse You Can Actually Complete

Cleanses can be a polarizing issue; some people thrive on juice detoxes, while others baulk at the idea of a cleanse altogether. For this reason and a thousand others, we love Elissa Goodman’s S.O.U.P Cleanse. Elissa’s approach is to gently cleanse the body (emphasis on the gentle). Instead of intense liquid only diets, Elissa has carefully designed a cleanse to remove excessive animal-based foods, processed foods, added sugars, “white foods,” and unhealthy fats from your diet without pushing your body past its limits.

Often these more extreme cleanses can put the body into “retox” or are too unachievable to complete within the confines of modern life. Instead, Elissa’s cleanse focuses on adding alkaline, anti-inflammatory and superfoods into your diet to help replenish your immunity, increase vitality, and give you that post-cleanse glow up.

To get more information on her 5-day program, we sat down with her and asked all our cleanse-related questions.

Q. What level of hunger do participants report?

Our cleanse is a gently plant-based reset filled with nutrient-dense foods. The quality of our food satiates most appetites.

Can I keep drinking coffee on the cleanse?

Yes! We do not want you experiencing caffeine withdrawal. Just make sure it is organic coffee, and you are using non-dairy milk like almond or oat milk without any added sugar. With that said, many of our cleansers who drink coffee regularly find that they are completely satisfied with an alternative like matcha or a saffron latte. They fulfill the same feelings of comfort without any of the peaks and crashes that come with coffee.

Will I lose weight on the cleanse?

Many of our clients say they lose weight during the cleanse. It definitely resets your body and provides a great foundation for continued health.

Do you ship your cleanse?

We hope to one day! Currently, the cleanse is available in the LA area only.

How often can I do the cleanse?

As often as feels right for your body. We have clients who do the cleanse every week it is available, others do it quarterly, and some will do it before a special event or to recover from surgery. Whatever your reason, it is completely fine to participate as often as feels good for you.

I have an allergy, can I still participate?

Please email us in advance to make sure we can safely prepare your cleanse. Most allergies can be accommodated.

Do you offer longer cleanses or meal prep?

At this time, our offering is the 5-Day S.O.U.P. Cleanse, which runs three weeks each month. We do not offer meal prep or personalized meal services, but we would be happy to refer you to people we recommend!

How can I support my mood and emotional wellbeing during a cleanse?

I always recommend engaging in a mindfulness practice that works for you such as meditation or yoga throughout the cleanse. Drinking something with saffron in it is also a good idea to boost your mood. Saffron is called the “sunshine spice” because of the major beneficial impact it can have on your mental and emotional health. In a review of several studies, saffron was significantly more effective than placebos at treating symptoms of mild-to-moderate depression.To provide added support to your S.O.U.P. cleanse, shop any of the fullest saffron products hereElissa Goodman is a Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Cleanse Expert. After being diagnosed with cancer in her 30s and then losing her husband to his own fight with cancer, Elissa quit her job at Vogue to study holistic nutrition. Fast forward a number of years, and she has helped thousands of clients manage their own health issues, created several successful cleanses, is regular contributor to major media outlets including Huffington Post, Goop, and NBC LA. Elissa is also the author of best-selling book, Cancer Hacks, and is currently working on her second book called Autoimmune Hacks.


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