The FULLEST Scopes — April Asks Us To Begin Again

April Horoscopes


  • April 3: Mercury Enters Aries
  • April 4: Last Quarter Moon in Cap
  • April 9: Saturn in Aquarius Trine NN in Gemini
  • April 11: New Moon in Aries
  • April 14: Venus Enters Taurus
  • April 18: Sun Conjunct Mercury
  • April 19: Sun Enters Taurus
  • April 20: First Quarter Moon in Leo
  • April 22: Venus Conjunct Uranus
  • April 23: Mars Enters Cancer
  • April 24: Venus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius
  • April 25: Mercury Conjunct Venus
  • April 26: Full Moon in Scorpio
  • April 27: Pluto Retrograde
  • April 30: Sun Conjunct Uranus

“Some people mistake grit for sheer persistence – charging up the same hill again and again. But that’s not quite what I mean by the word ‘grit.’ You want to minimize friction and find the most effective, most efficient way forward. You might actually have more grit if you treat your energy as a precious commodity." — Reid Hoffman

While March was an exercise in release, April is a spirited month. Some degree of mettle is needed. We may find ourselves more activated than usual, with so much fire in the sky. April comes off the heels of the Full Moon in Libra on March 28th, which illuminated all things partnership. After a year of lockdown, we’ve all had to take a sharper look in the mirror. April sees new layers of the self revealed.On April 3rd, Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, enters Aries, the warrior sign. This gives us the Sun, Venus, and now Mercury in Aries, a powerhouse of assertion. This strong push forward is tripped up for a moment. On the 4th, we have the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn. Capricorn, like Aries, is a Cardinal Sign. Cardinal energy (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) starts things, the shadow being a sense of control.

Aries likes to lead from the hip. But Capricorn, Capricorn has a plan. The two here are square, causing some tension. Boundaries are re-negotiated. We reconcile our wants with our obligations. This gives way to Saturn’s trine to the North Node, gently nudging our destiny’s call.

But it’s the New Moon in Aries on the 11th that really awakens our initiative. New Moons are times for planting seeds. With Aries being the sign of New Beginnings, this lunation is exactly that. A few days later, on the 14th, Venus, the planet of love, values, and money, enters grounded, earthy Taurus, followed by the Sun on the 19th. With this shift comes a focus on the stable and sturdy. And yet, because Uranus, the planet of change and rebellion, has been transiting Taurus since 2019 and will continue to do so until 2026, that very desire is being rocked. This will be particularly noticeable April 20th, on the First Quarter Moon in Leo through the 22nd, when Venus meets up with Uranus. We may experience volatility, especially in the market, around this time. The following day, on the 23rd, Mars, the planet of drive and motivation enters the emotional sign of Cancer. And on the 24th, Venus meets another kind of wall, in the form of Saturn, revealing the importance of measured, long term thinking and grit.These astrological events back to back echo the themes of 2021: be adaptable but consider the long term goal. Someone once told me: fast, cheap, and good. Pick two. If you want it fast and cheap, it won’t be good. If you want it good and cheap, it won’t be fast. And if you want it fast and good, it won’t be cheap. In some way, shape or form, our backs have been shoved against the wall. What will it be?April 25th sees Venus and Mercury conjunct, a good day to think about our values and what they mean to us as we step into the light of the Full Moon in Scorpio the following day on the 26th. One of the most powerful Moons of the year, with the Sun nearing its exact conjunction (which will actually occur on the 30th) to Uranus. We have what is called a Fixed T Square with this Moon. Stubbornness will be at an all time high as agendas clash. Resilience is needed now more than ever. Pluck. We may be catapulted into new circumstances, we may double down on our current one. But change is inevitable. “Transformation doesn’t ask that you stop being you,” Cheryl Strayed writes in Brave Enough. “It demands that you find a way back to the authenticity and strength that’s already inside of you. You only have to bloom.”Danielle Beinstein is a psychological and intuitive astrologer based between New York, Los Angeles, and New Zealand. She currently offers one-on-one sessions as well as her monthly online membership and courses program, The Cosmic Compass. You can find more on both offerings at, and for more regular astrological musings, make sure to follow her on Instagram.


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