Why Holistic Dentistry Heals More Than Just Cavities

Recently in wellness, there’s been a lot of talk about the power of the gut-mind-body connection. But there’s another organ that is also emerging as a powerful influence on our entire wellbeing -- our mouths. Holistic dentistry believes that there is a clear link between a healthy mouth and a healthy body -- and on the flip side, that poor oral hygiene can also lead to other health issues below the neck.In a bid to further understand this connection, we sat down with Dr. Shahrzad (Sherry) Sami, a dual specialized doctor in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics. Dr. Sami obtained her dental degree from Columbia University in New York, then finished her dual specialty residency in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics at UCLA. She has been a clinical instructor and professor at UCLA, teaching both residents and students in dentistry and medicine.  She is also a clinician and instructor at the UCLA Pediatric Craniofacial Clinic, treating children with craniofacial anomalies or severely medically compromised....Clearly, Dr. Sami is a highly educated and incredibly skilled clinician. However, rather than promoting excessive x-rays, operations and reactive surgeries, Dr. Sami believes that concentrating on nutrition, prevention, education, and positive reinforcements in a nurturing environment is the most innovative way forward in dentistry.In this episode, we chat with  her about holistic dentistry for both adults and children, the changes in the field of dentistry, and lifestyle choices that we can make to heal our entire selves from teeth to toe. [itunes_spotify_urls itunes="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/why-holistic-dentistry-heals-more-than-just-cavities/id1200321554?i=1000513961126" spotify="https://open.spotify.com/episode/7KTFtPHI88CXja0xbexRf6?si=i1r9_wjMR1uybKK2XaLNFg"]

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