Carson Meyer on Self Care as a Mirror for Planetary Care

Carson Meyer is a genuinely multi-faceted entrepreneur, healer, and artist. She is a certified birth doula, birth photographer and the founder of C & The Moon. In 2016 she graduated from New York University's Gallatin School of Individualized Study where she pursued studies in child development, art therapy, and alternative medicine. Carson returned to her home in Malibu, California and began her journey as a doula supporting parents through a healthy and peaceful pregnancy, birth and postpartum period.With a passion for environmental health, Carson launched C & The Moon, an all-natural and sustainable skincare line founded on the belief that the way we care for ourselves has a direct impact on how we care for the planet.The correlation between the health of our bodies and the health of our natural world is becoming more widely accepted. Increasingly, as consumers expect more from businesses, many brands are beginning to give a portion of profits back to NGOs. Yet few walk their talk in quite the same way as Carson. C & The Moon donates a portion of proceeds to The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), an organization that works to safeguard the earth — its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. However, not content with just a donation, Carson added another string to her bow by becoming the co-chair of the NRDC Los Angeles Leadership Council, an organization that brings together scientists and lawmakers to defend environmental policy and regulations.This week we are honored to talk to her about the through-line of her many gifts, passions, and service. Carson is an embodiment and true reminder of the interconnectedness between all facets of life from beauty to conservation to birth.[itunes_spotify_urls itunes="" spotify=""]

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