This Dog Loving Couple Made a Clean Pet Food Loved by Dogs

Many entrepreneurs find their way into the wellness space through their personal health challenges that ultimately make them revisit their lifestyle, transition to more natural alternatives, and share their findings and products with the world. But for husband and wife team Tory and Michael Waxman, it wasn’t a struggling human body that led them to create their wellness brand, it was their pup’s.After their dog Mabel got sick, Tory and Michael became obsessed with finding the best dog food: something healthier than kibble, but easier than home-cooked foods. After a rigorous search for the perfect dog food turned up nothing, they decided to make their own and Sundays for Dogs was born.Tory and Michael are dog lovers from way back — as in Tory’s first job was as a dog beach attendant on Lake Michigan and Michael’s first word was dog — he kids you not. Tory continued her canine career calling, and after receiving a BS in Animal Science with Distinction in Research from Cornell University and her vet degree from the University of Pennsylvania, she became a practicing small-animal veterinarian. Michael kept his obsession with dogs but took a foray into engineering and product development, skills that would serve him later in his pursuit to engineer the perfect dog food.

Just like the couple’s professional backgrounds, Sundays is also the perfect marriage between clean, nutritious dog food and innovation and ease. And it couldn’t have come at a better time.

Wellness has been one of the rising industries of the past decade — never before have so many of us looked to improve our diet for ourselves and our families. Equally, in recent years, dogs are no longer relegated to kennels and backyards. Our canines have moved up from being “man’s best friend” to a true member of the family. But if we’re honest, for most of us, modern life simply doesn’t allow us the time to be preparing our pups home cooked meals to the same level that we do for our human clan. It was this revelation that sparked Sundays. Sure, there are those dog owners who go above and beyond to create Michelin-star,  Erewhon-worthy meals for their furry friends. But Tory and Michael knew that many dog people — like them — wanted to give their pups the nutritious TLC they deserved without the prep, the fridge space, and the wet food cleanup. Their solution was to create a human-grade, all-natural, air-dried kibble and people and pups went nuts for it. Honestly, their reviews page speaks for itself with happy dog owners giving five paw reviews on behalf of their pets. Many attribute Sundays to their dogs’ shinier coats, increased energy, and better digestions. Plus, apparently, even the fussiest eaters find the air-dried kibble more reminiscent of a bowl of treats than a bowl of food.Although Sundays feels groundbreaking, once you look at the nutritional panel, science and process, it also makes a lot of sense.

Many of us have experienced the energetic and physical shifts that occur when we make the switch to clean whole foods — it’s just crazy that until Sundays came along nobody thought to connect the same dots for our dogs.

In fact, Sundays’ ingredient list reads like a day on the plate of a wellness influencer and includes turmeric, kale, chicory root, blueberries, and bone broth amongst a plethora of other nutrient-dense foods. If you’re tempted to nibble on Sundays, there’s no shame as Sundays is made in a USDA-monitored kitchen and is 100% human-grade, which means that all ingredients and processing methods meet the high FDA safety standard of fit for human consumption.Tory and Michael started Sundays with the intention to make being an awesome dog parent easier for everyone by blending the best science, the best ingredients, and the best customer experience for humans and hounds alike.If you’re interested in learning more about dog health, then check out our Sundays for Dogs podcast. And as THE FULLEST reader, you can also enjoy 30% off your Sundays order, just use code THEFULLEST at checkout.


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