Microchipping Humans: Sci-Fi Fantasy or a 2020 Reality?

Chips are making their launch all over the world (and they’re not of the gluten-free kind). Microchipping human beings with a tiny radio-frequency identification chip (yes, an actual microchip the size of a grain of rice) has evolved from a tech trend to a new globalist agenda. RFID (radio-frequency identification) is essentially a small version of an electronic tag. These chips contain valuable information that can be read via radio waves without the need for any visual contact. This may seem far-fetched, but at a scan of your chipped wrist, you will be able to make purchases, open doors, start your car, and scan your entire medical history all with one swipe. When it comes to moving towards an emerging cashless society, we must bring into question if this is truly beneficial for society as the macrocosm of the whole, or detrimental to the microcosm of the individual.

In an ever-changing world that is always seeking evolution, chipping humans with RFID implants is the pure integration of biology with machinery. As with any innovative technology, there are various pros and cons to the rising of automation in human life.

Just recently, Michigan representatives introduced House Bill No. 5672 as a way to prohibit employers from discriminating against employees who choose not to get chipped, as well as blocking the requirement of workers to be implanted for any employment purposes. Back in August of 2017, a mini-market (read: vending machine) company called Three Square Market rolled out an internal microchip party for employees to pay for vending goodies by a flick of the wrist. Negative attention started brewing after the release of this chipping event, and many comments on the company’s Facebook page sparked unwanted heat; alongside 1.5-star average reviews popping up on the organization’s Glassdoor page.Microchipping technology is a thing of the past in Sweden, as biohacking in this Nordic country involves a love affair with digital implementation rather than red light therapy or intermittent fasting. Implant parties may sound alarming to some, but this has been the “new normal” for many Swedish biohackers. The startup world of Stockholm is home to many who have already (voluntarily) chipped themselves as trailblazers in this advancing cyber movement. The same technology that is used for contactless payment on your credit card is the exact engineering behind human microchipping; however, this level of progression comes with concern over privacy, the health of our bodies, and the consequences of being left behind in a modern era.According to the UK Government, the first electronic passport-containing chip technology was released back in 2006, around the same time facial recognition biometrics were implemented. Since then, the US U.S. has required those under the Visa Waiver Program to have an e-Passport if their original passport was published on or after October 26th, 2006. Meaning that although a chip wasn’t physically embedded under our skin, we were required to carry a chip on our person when travelling. Were many of us conscious that microchipping was non-consensual within the travel industry? Or would we have even questioned microchipping back in ‘06?A future where you raise your hand to walk into your home, pay for groceries, and log into your computer is no longer a sci-fi fantasy. Although there is no mass adoption of this technology at present, it may not be a distant reality. And as with all emerging fields, there seems to be a plethora of unanswered questions around the long-term effects of having microchips implanted into our living vessels. Plus, as the world continues to over consume and overproduce, is directing our innovative efforts to make life even faster the answer? Many of us would argue that slower living, a return to nature, and enjoying the process of life is the technology the world needs.In summary, the progression of technological expansion is constant, but the rush to join our pet friends by inserting ourselves with chips might come to a halt as we consider its impact on our authentic well-being. It begs the question, just because the technology exists, does it mean that it is right for us, and for society? Is it true progress or another modification in the wrong direction? Who will choose to fuse their life force with embedded barcodes and will they tip the scales? Sometimes it feels that technology is bigger than us, that it has its own force, and we must comply with its lightning-speed pace. Yes, the future may be unpredictable, and technology can be a gift to humanity, but as a collective we still have choices around tech and just because we could—doesn’t always mean we should.An Aquarian advocate of unpopular opinions with a passion for cultivating change around controversial topics. I’m a lover of authentic wellness, neuroscience, human connection, sunbathing, and seeing the world through a lens of energetics. Join Sierra Cooper in welcoming a new era of news past the mainstream media narrative.


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